Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New update!

Hello everyone. We went to see Dr. Einhorn again today and Logan gained a good amount of weight. He now weighs 8 lbs., 14 oz. and is 19 inches long, according to the nurse. However, we measured him at 20 inches at home. I'm not sure who's right!

The dr. was very happy with his weight gain and everything else as well. Logan is taking about 3 ounces of breastmilk per feeding and eating about every 4 hours. At night he gets up once, and then is up again around 5. We are getting a little more sleep, thank goodness! He is still taking his medications and on the oxygen. I think he will be on both of these for awhile. He said to keep taking Logan off of the oxygen when he is awake. Dr. Einhorn also said that Logan's 4 month vaccinations are coming up in a couple of weeks and that all of us that are close to Logan should get flu shots. We were already going to get them. In fact, Danny already got his.

Logan also gets to try rice cereal in a couple of weeks! Not much at a time, just a little to get him introduced to it. Especially to get some oral motor stimulation going.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

About time, I know!

Well due to my brother's request, I will update! I was going to today anyway, but he gave me a push! Well Logan is doing well. He is eating like a horse and gaining weight. He weighed 8 lbs. yesterday when the home health nurse came to give him his RSV shot. He was a trooper and only cried for about 5 seconds after his shot. He was a bit fussier than usual but was really pretty good throughout the day. He slept alot. So yes, he finally got his first RSV shot, and will get one a month until March or April. I'm so glad he finally got this.

He is taking about 80 ccs of milk and doing well with it. He is still on his medications and his oxygen. We take it off when he is awake and he does fine. He is still getting up twice a night which doesn't sound that bad, but he does a lot of grunting and moaning throughout the night which keeps us awake. I think it will soon be time for his own room! I mean he puts himself back to sleep after his grunts and moans, but it is hard for us to sleep through them.

He goes back to see Dr. Einhorn next Tuesday. His second round of immunizations is coming up in November sometime. He will love that.

In other news, we are getting ready to move soon. We are moving out to the country where my uncle Brian and aunt Carol used to live. We are very excited about this! We will have more room and be back out in the country where Danny and I both prefer. We hope to be moving within the next 3 weeks or so. I am also starting work again next week. I hope to be working 3 days a week until springtime, so as to keep Logan in as much as possible during the nasty winter months. I think that is all for now. Enjoy the new pics! And yes, I don't know how he sleeps with his arms up in his swing, but he does!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Eye appointment

Well we went to Springfield today and I don't think Danny or I missed it at all! The drive was long, but Logan was very good both ways. He slept the whole time! The receptionists let us right in so we didn't have to wait with the other kids which was very nice. Logan HATED his exam. He screamed bloody murder the whole time. Neither Danny or I had heard him cry like that. It was very sad and I almost left the room. But he made it through. They numb his eyes so he doesn't feel the retractor holding his eye apart, but they shine a bright light into his eyes, which is what really makes him mad. He quit crying immediately after they left him alone. He is such a good baby!

The doctor said he is still at a stage1/stage 2 retinopathy, but that it is not aggressive. He said that preemies continue to be at risk for problems until about 50 weeks gestation. Logan is a little over 40 right now. So we will be making a few more visits to see the eye doctor. We go back again in 3 weeks. I asked the doctor what Logan could see and he said maybe a few faces and some colors, but that they are blotchy. This will all continue to get better as he gets older.

In other news, Logan is continuing to do well. He eats every 4 hours or so and we get up with him twice at night. He is still sleeping in his car seat. We hope to work on that in the future! He takes about 65-70 ccs of milk. He has been spitting up a little recently, but nothing serious. We are taking his oxygen off more and more and he is doing well with it. I hope that he will get his first RSV shot this week. He is supposed to, but the insurance is holding it up a bit. I think we will get it worked out though.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Small updates

Well we went to the doctor again today. Logan is up to 7 lbs. 9 oz. He almost gained a pound since his last visit! Dr. Einhorn was very pleased with his weight gain. He is still on his little bit of oxygen and will continue to be for the next 3 weeks or so. We have been taking him off of it when he is awake and he does completely fine. Then we put it back on when he goes to sleep. He will also stay on his medications until he outgrows his dose. The doctor is not increasing his dosage even as he gains weight, so I assume he will outgrow his meds soon. I also asked the dr. about Logan's bowel habits, since he only tends to go every 5 days or so. The doctor wasn't worried about it and when he examined him, his belly was soft. He said we can give small enemas every 4-5 days if Logan seems uncomfortable. We were also approved by the insurance company for Logan's RSV shots. (They are like $2500 a shot, so this is a good deal.) I think the shots start next month and run through March.

Our nighttimes are still a bit hectic. He wakes up every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Sometimes he goes back to sleep and then sometimes he will continue to fuss. Last night he actually slept for a 4 hour period. The doctor said it would be fine to feed Logan every 4 hours at night if he will sleep that long. I think that is all for now. We go to the eye doctor on Monday, so I will post again then!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Getting used to our new lives

Well we are all getting used to our new routines! He is getting up every 3 1/2 to 4 hours at night and I think I am getting used to less sleep. Dad helps out on the nights that he doesn't work, which is very nice. I just can't figure out how I am going to manage work and less sleep yet! I'm sure I will get the hang of things. Logan is doing very well. He is taking around 60 ccs of milk and is not spitting up at all, which is good because many preemies have difficulty with acid reflux. He does seem to be a bit constipated, but grandma came to the rescue with an enema this morning and he had a fairly large bowel movement.

He has another appointment with Dr. Einhorn on Thursday and then an eye appointment next Monday back in Sprinfield. I can't wait to get his new weight. I hope he has put on a nice amount. Oh and by the way baby furniture and toys have taken over our trailer. I thought we had no space before he was home, but now we really do live in clutter!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Settling in

Not too much new, everyone is still tired! Logan still doesn't like his bassinet, but does sleep well in his car seat. If any of you more experienced moms have any ideas to help him sleep in his bassinet, please let me know!

He continues to enjoy his baths. We take him off of his oxygen during baths and he does completely fine. I would guess that he is well over 7 lbs. by now. I wish I had a baby scale so I could weigh him.

He is taking about 50-60 ccs of milk per feeding and doing very well with it. He even burps better than he used to.

I really want to thank everyone for all of their thoughts, prayers, comments, and gifts during our journey with Logan. It was so nice to know that we had so many people praying for us and thinking about us. I know that God answered many of our prayers and we are so thankful for that. We finally feel like a real family.

After Logan came home, I originally thought I would close my blog, but many people have said they would like to see updates and pictures of him as he grows up, so I will continue with it! I will probably not post everyday, maybe 1-2 times per week, but I will try and keep up with it. It is the least I can do for everyone, after all that everyone has done for us! Once again thank you everyone for sharing our journey, I'll post again soon. Enjoy the new pics! (Logan doesn't have a chance, he'll definitely be an Illini fan!)