Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's been a long time!

Sorry everyone, it's been a long time since I've updated the blog! Well Logan is continuing to do very well. He had a visit with Dr. Einhorn yesterday and he was very pleased. Logan is up to 14 lbs, 1 oz. and is 24 inches long. He gained just over 1 1/2 pounds and 3/4 of an inch this past month! He is now on the growth chart for head circumference and weight, but is not quite on it yet for length. Dr. Einhorn said that this is normal because it takes longer to grow bone and muscle, than it does fat and brain. Makes sense I guess.

He is eating about 6-7 oz. every four hours now. He is taking Enfamil Gentlease and doing very well with it. He was constipated last week and the dr. told us to give him some apple juice mixed with water and this has really helped him go. He is sleeping well through the night, he only wakes up on occasion, and then only needs to be rocked back to sleep.

He is smiling like crazy, but we still haven't heard him laugh yet. He is so close though. He stands up on surfaces with help and is VERY close to rolling over (from back to belly). He just can't get over his shoulder. He also loves toys now. He really likes to play with keys and rattles. He is very observant and watches everything.

He had his fifth RSV shot today and took it pretty well. We are so blessed that he has not even had so much as a sniffle yet this winter. He should have one more RSV shot this winter and then hopefully he'll be done with those for awhile.

I will post pictures as well! Thanks for keeping up with us!