Wednesday, October 22, 2008

About time, I know!

Well due to my brother's request, I will update! I was going to today anyway, but he gave me a push! Well Logan is doing well. He is eating like a horse and gaining weight. He weighed 8 lbs. yesterday when the home health nurse came to give him his RSV shot. He was a trooper and only cried for about 5 seconds after his shot. He was a bit fussier than usual but was really pretty good throughout the day. He slept alot. So yes, he finally got his first RSV shot, and will get one a month until March or April. I'm so glad he finally got this.

He is taking about 80 ccs of milk and doing well with it. He is still on his medications and his oxygen. We take it off when he is awake and he does fine. He is still getting up twice a night which doesn't sound that bad, but he does a lot of grunting and moaning throughout the night which keeps us awake. I think it will soon be time for his own room! I mean he puts himself back to sleep after his grunts and moans, but it is hard for us to sleep through them.

He goes back to see Dr. Einhorn next Tuesday. His second round of immunizations is coming up in November sometime. He will love that.

In other news, we are getting ready to move soon. We are moving out to the country where my uncle Brian and aunt Carol used to live. We are very excited about this! We will have more room and be back out in the country where Danny and I both prefer. We hope to be moving within the next 3 weeks or so. I am also starting work again next week. I hope to be working 3 days a week until springtime, so as to keep Logan in as much as possible during the nasty winter months. I think that is all for now. Enjoy the new pics! And yes, I don't know how he sleeps with his arms up in his swing, but he does!


Anonymous said...

He looks so sweet! I do agree with Jared...its about time. I actually told your mom today I was disappointed in you. She just laughed. There is one thing I would like to see and I know why I haven't probably seen and Logan(not your legs...your face). I know you always have the camera taking pictures like all mothers but I haven't seen you and him on here yet....I don't think. If you have please post another. Thanks! Glad to hear he is doing well.

Anonymous said...

Jill, Look at those cheeks!!! He is absolutly adorable!!! Glad to hear all is well. Good luck on the move and back to work.

Amanda said...

I think Logan is starting to look more like a combination of you too than before. So cute!!! The arms up is hysterical. He actually looks like he's working at holding them up there.

So excited you're moving. I know you'll be happier with your country space. And I'm sure you need a lot more room now that you have all of Logan's equipment.

Kiss our boy for us,
Amanda, Ed and Gabi

Amanda said...

Look at you with your little pumpkin!!! So cute.

Love you,