Monday, October 13, 2008

Eye appointment

Well we went to Springfield today and I don't think Danny or I missed it at all! The drive was long, but Logan was very good both ways. He slept the whole time! The receptionists let us right in so we didn't have to wait with the other kids which was very nice. Logan HATED his exam. He screamed bloody murder the whole time. Neither Danny or I had heard him cry like that. It was very sad and I almost left the room. But he made it through. They numb his eyes so he doesn't feel the retractor holding his eye apart, but they shine a bright light into his eyes, which is what really makes him mad. He quit crying immediately after they left him alone. He is such a good baby!

The doctor said he is still at a stage1/stage 2 retinopathy, but that it is not aggressive. He said that preemies continue to be at risk for problems until about 50 weeks gestation. Logan is a little over 40 right now. So we will be making a few more visits to see the eye doctor. We go back again in 3 weeks. I asked the doctor what Logan could see and he said maybe a few faces and some colors, but that they are blotchy. This will all continue to get better as he gets older.

In other news, Logan is continuing to do well. He eats every 4 hours or so and we get up with him twice at night. He is still sleeping in his car seat. We hope to work on that in the future! He takes about 65-70 ccs of milk. He has been spitting up a little recently, but nothing serious. We are taking his oxygen off more and more and he is doing well with it. I hope that he will get his first RSV shot this week. He is supposed to, but the insurance is holding it up a bit. I think we will get it worked out though.


Sara B. said...

He is just so darn cute!! I really like the pic. of him smiling. Glad to hear appt. went well!!!

Amanda said...

I'm loving those chubby cheeks! It's wonderful that he is doing so great. I can't believe how fast he is growing!!!

We miss you,
Amanda, Ed and Gabriella

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see that everything is going in the right direction for you guys.......Logan is just a doll...oh how addorable and precious he is........

Britney Stark

Katie said...

I love the new pics! In the one where he's sleeping with his hands up, he looks like he's riding a roller coaster! :)