Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Settling in

Not too much new, everyone is still tired! Logan still doesn't like his bassinet, but does sleep well in his car seat. If any of you more experienced moms have any ideas to help him sleep in his bassinet, please let me know!

He continues to enjoy his baths. We take him off of his oxygen during baths and he does completely fine. I would guess that he is well over 7 lbs. by now. I wish I had a baby scale so I could weigh him.

He is taking about 50-60 ccs of milk per feeding and doing very well with it. He even burps better than he used to.

I really want to thank everyone for all of their thoughts, prayers, comments, and gifts during our journey with Logan. It was so nice to know that we had so many people praying for us and thinking about us. I know that God answered many of our prayers and we are so thankful for that. We finally feel like a real family.

After Logan came home, I originally thought I would close my blog, but many people have said they would like to see updates and pictures of him as he grows up, so I will continue with it! I will probably not post everyday, maybe 1-2 times per week, but I will try and keep up with it. It is the least I can do for everyone, after all that everyone has done for us! Once again thank you everyone for sharing our journey, I'll post again soon. Enjoy the new pics! (Logan doesn't have a chance, he'll definitely be an Illini fan!)


Anonymous said...

Grandpa and I enjoyed the
pictures. He is a little
cutie. Getting anxious to
hold him, but will make sure
I'm completely over my cold.
Jill thank you so much for
keeping us updated on baby
Logan, you did a great job.
It would be very hard to get
through our trouble times in
life without God and prayers.
Take care.

Anonymous said...

Jill- I am so thrilled that Logan was able to come home. I love the new pictures- that Illini outfit is beyond precious!!! I am so glad to hear that you are keeping the blog open. I look forward to watching Logan grow! Hope he lets you get some more sleep soon :-)
All the best,
Ashley McDowell

Amanda said...

He already IS an Illini fan! What else could he possibly want to be.

Thank you for keeping the blog up. I know it's hard-- believe me-- but I assure you that it's easier to update this once rather than answer everyone's unlimited questions. We're just so thankful that he's doing so well at home!!!

Are you enjoying every minute? BTW-- I sent some things to Logan via your parents address. The online postal service wouldn't take the address you gave me. Sorry for the inconvenience.

love you,
amanda, ed and gabi

Bethanie said...

So glad he is going well. About him sleeping- have you tried a boppi. Its a pillow that looks like two big arms. It makes the baby feel as if he is being held. My neice couldn't be without it her first few weeks. I saw it at Walmart recently and they aren't too pricey.