Thursday, October 9, 2008

Small updates

Well we went to the doctor again today. Logan is up to 7 lbs. 9 oz. He almost gained a pound since his last visit! Dr. Einhorn was very pleased with his weight gain. He is still on his little bit of oxygen and will continue to be for the next 3 weeks or so. We have been taking him off of it when he is awake and he does completely fine. Then we put it back on when he goes to sleep. He will also stay on his medications until he outgrows his dose. The doctor is not increasing his dosage even as he gains weight, so I assume he will outgrow his meds soon. I also asked the dr. about Logan's bowel habits, since he only tends to go every 5 days or so. The doctor wasn't worried about it and when he examined him, his belly was soft. He said we can give small enemas every 4-5 days if Logan seems uncomfortable. We were also approved by the insurance company for Logan's RSV shots. (They are like $2500 a shot, so this is a good deal.) I think the shots start next month and run through March.

Our nighttimes are still a bit hectic. He wakes up every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Sometimes he goes back to sleep and then sometimes he will continue to fuss. Last night he actually slept for a 4 hour period. The doctor said it would be fine to feed Logan every 4 hours at night if he will sleep that long. I think that is all for now. We go to the eye doctor on Monday, so I will post again then!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear he is still growing at a nice pace. He is so cute!!

Mrs. Stallard said...

Love the pictures!! He is just so adorable. I love the picture of him smiling! We are so ready for our family to get completely healthy so we can see him in person!! We have been praying about his appointment today in Springfield. Praying all went well.

Leroy, Brenda, Holly, and Faith