Saturday, November 15, 2008


Sorry everyone that I haven't posted in awhile. I have been under the weather and had some minor surgery related to my Crohn's disease. Dad has been doing a great job taking care of Logan and of course Grandma has been taking care of both of us!

Logan went to the eye doctor just over a week ago and things were about the same. He did not like the exam and screamed his little lungs out. However, he did not scream as loud as the first time. The doctor said he was in stage 2 retinopathy, but that it was inactive and not progressing, which is very good. He said it will likely clear on its own, but we still have to make a few more trips to make sure. His next appt. is on Nov. 25 and then he will have one more after that.

He goes to see Dr. Einhorn again on Dec. 2. He is eating about 4 ounces every 4-5 hours. Of course, he is growing like a weed. We haven't weighed him officially in awhile but we think he is a bit over 10 pounds! He is sleeping fairly well at night and only getting up once, as long as he eats about 10:00 p.m.

In other news, we haven't moved yet but are getting closer. Hopefully next weekend or the weekend after. Danny and Shea have moved quite a bit of stuff out there already. We bought new appliances and a few of them are hooked up. Well I think that is all for now.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

How are you feeling? You have a lot on your plate. Take care of yourself. Some things have to wait. Tell Grandma to keep taking care of you.

Love you,