Thursday, December 4, 2008

Doctor update

Well we went to see Dr. Einhorn this past Tuesday and we got a good report! He was very pleased with Logan's growth and progress. Logan weighs 11 1/2 pounds and is 21 1/4 inches long. He is continuing to grow at a good rate! He said that Logan looks good and doesn't appear to be wasting too many calories on his breathing. We have taken him off of his oxygen during the day and just been putting him on it at night. Dr. Einhorn wanted to do a 2 night sleep study without his oxygen to see if we could take him off of it completely, so we did that the last 2 nights. He seemed to do fairly well with it, he was mostly in the low 90s to high 80s. However, Dr. Einhorn called tonight though and suggested we leave him on it at night because Logan went the first night for an hour (total time) at 88 or below and almost half an hour last night at 88 or below. They like for the number to stay above 88 at all times. I was a bit disappointed. I was hoping that his numbers would be a little better and we could take the oxygen off completely. I kind of thought that Logan dipped down in his numbers when he was moving around a lot in his crib, but Dr. Einhorn said there was no way to know for sure which came first, the drop in his sat or the moving around. So we will go a bit longer with the oxygen at night.

Logan also had to get some bloodwork done. The doctor wanted to check his hemoglobin levels and his electrolyte count. His iron was actually a bit high and he was a bit low on sodium. So I'm not sure what Dr. Einhorn will do about that yet if anything. His carbon dioxide levels were very good this time around. Yeah for that! Other than that not much is new. Oh, we have tried some baby food. He has tried bananas so far and doesn't really care for them! We aren't pushing the food, just taking it fairly slowly.


Sara B. said...

Wow!!! I just can not believe how much he has grown!!! And has anyone told you lately how cute he is!?!?!? Love the picture with his turkey outfit on and him smiling.

And I can't believe he is starting some baby food....i feel like you guys just left the hospital.

He is just doing awesome! Glad you are keeping us update on his progress and updated photos.


Amanda said...

He's a hoss!! How is it possible that he is soooo big. I know the oxygen is a pain, but at this point, he could still be in the hospital or not doing half as well as he is. He is a miracle every day. If all he needs is a little oxygen, we'll take it.

miss and love you. Kiss those cheeks for us,
Amanda, Ed and Gabi