Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday to my little firecracker!!

Well I know people have been waiting for a birthday post. Here it is! We had a birthday party for both sides of the family at my church fellowship hall. We were gonna have it outside at our house, but it was too hot. It was very fun and we all had fun. We had pizza from Anthony's in Flora for supper and then of course, cake and ice cream (homemade ice cream that Fred & Betty made!). Logan had his own little cake, but he really didn't like it that much. He was hesitant to play in it at first, but then he tried it and ate just a little. He then proceeded to suck his thumb! So he obviously wasn't impressed by the cake. He enjoyed the presents but liked the bows better. I ended up opening all of the presents. He got lots of good things, he got a play 4-wheeler, cars and trucks, blocks, basketball and baseball sets, an Illini shirt and many other things! He enjoys them all. We now have plenty of toys, but I'm sure we'll just keep piling them up. The party lasted about an hour and a half. And I was WORN OUT after it was over, Logan was fine! He didn't go to bed until 10:30 that night, so he was pretty wound up. I'm soooo glad that birthdays only come once a year!

He also did very well at my parents' 4th of July party. I thought he would be afraid of the fireworks, but he just sat on my lap and sucked his thumb and watched them with us. The only time he cried was when Danny booed at one of the fireworks!!

Another big event we had recently was a 1 year checkup with Dr. Einhorn. Logan now weighs 19.5 pounds and is 27 3/4 inches long. He is growing nicely and eating like a horse. For his real age he is in the 5th percentile for weight and 10th percentile for height and 50th percentile for head circumference (he must have a big brain :). For his corrected age, he is in the 50th percentile for weight and height. Dr. Einhorn was pleased with all of this. There really wasn't much more to report. I asked him about starting on some whole milk, and he said that was fine, but not to rush it, since he is really only 9 months old. He said just keep doing what we were doing!! So we are very happy with all of the progress he has made. Logan is now crawling all over the house, pulling up to stuff, and cruising around things. He sometimes has a difficult time getting down to the floor, but he is starting to get the hang of it. It won't be long before he will be walking! Oh my....well, I'll go post a few pictures now.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's been awhile!

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry I haven't posted recently, but life has been busy. I have gone back to working 4 days a week, so that has been a little more hectic, but is working out really well. Especially since Grandma is off for the summer!! :)

Logan is doing very well, and I would guess that he weighs somewhere between 18-19 pounds. We haven't had an official weight in quite some time, so I'm not 100% sure. We go back to see Dr. Einhorn on July 13, so we will know for sure then. Logan is still eating about the same as last time I posted. As soon as he turns 1, I'm going to start trying to wean the bottle a little bit. We'll see how that goes! We have started giving him a bit more table food, but not a whole lot yet. He still doesn't have any teeth!

He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks, very close to crawling!! He has been able to move a little bit but not too much. He loves to clap and sing, he loves patty-cake. He has waved a few times, but doesn't do it consistently. He also likes to walk as long as someone is holding his hands. He really likes to run around in his walker.

He is also starting to get a temper! He will throw an absolute fit if you take something he is playing with, or leave a room without him. Hmmmm, wonder where he gets this temper? We have ventured out more lately as well, we went to Beau's 8th grade graduation recently and also Gus Hancock's birthday party. We also go to church every week now. He really enjoyed that, and it is so nice to be able to get out and about now.

On a side note, it's so hard to believe that this journey started almost a year ago (my water broke on June 19th). It seems like so long ago, but at the same time, like it just happened yesterday. We have been so blessed that Logan has done as well as he has. I'll never forget all of the things the doctors were telling us and how bleak things could have been. Logan has outgrown all of the problems of his prematurity and I can't even begin to say how good that feels. We really do have a miracle baby......I always asked God to let me witness a miracle, I never dreamed he'd make me a mother of one.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nothing too new.......

Hello everyone. I figured I had better update, it's been a while. There's not too much new to report. We went to the dr. shortly after our NICU follow-up, just a check-up. Dr. Einhorn said no more oxygen (we hadn't been using it anyway for the last three weeks :)). But at least then it was official. Logan is also off all of his meds. It almost seems like he's just a "normal baby" now.

He weighs about 17 pounds, eating like a horse. He still takes about 8 oz. every 4 hours and also takes 2-3 jars of baby food a day. He likes pretty much everything. He sleeps very well through the night, although it's in our bed!! I know, I know, we need to put him in his own bed. We're trying (sort of)!!

He's starting to get an attitude, doesn't like to have things taken away from him, or having his face washed, or putting his shirt know normal things that babies don't like!

He is sitting up on his own and rolls very well. He does not have the hang of crawling yet, but everyone is working with him, so maybe soon.

We go back to the NICU dr.'s in Oct. and back to Dr. Einhorn in July when he turns a year old (can you believe it!!)

Just so everyone knows.....we're going to have double fireworks for the 4th of July, since we missed it last year. So everyone mark your's gonna be a party!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

NICU follow-up appointment

Hello all!!

Well we made it back from our NICU follow-up appointment and pulmonologist appt. It was a long day, but Logan was a real trooper!! Everyone was glad to see him, and we made our rounds through the NICU to visit the nurses. They of course, loved his big eyes and long eyelashes. He didn't hand out many smiles, he was too busy checking everything out.

He weighed in at 16 lbs., 3 oz. and 26 inches long. He was on the growth charts for all of these (for his adjusted age of 6 months). He was seen by a physical, occupational, and speech therapist. All said that he was developing appropriately. The PT wanted us to give him more tummy time to practice rolling over and getting into a crawling position. He uses both sides appropriately, but prefers his right side. The speech therapist thought he was a little "quiet" which I agree with, he doesn't talk a whole lot, but he does use age appropriate sounds, so we are good!! Dr. Khanna saw him and he was the one who discharged him from the hospital, and he said he was doing wonderfully, better than they expected!!

The pulmonologist said everything looked good and thought that Logan was breathing just fine. He didn't have a lot to go on since this is the first time he has even seen Logan. He wants us to come back in 3 months for a check-up.

In other news, I think Logan and I are going to church this Sunday!! We are very excited to get out a little bit. As long as he stays healthy, I think we are going. He had his last RSV shot yesterday. I don't think he will mind!! I think that is all for now. I will try to post pictures later!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Well we finally got sick...........

Yes, as many of you probably know by now, Logan finally got sick. It all started last Sunday night, Logan sounded a little gunky, nothing major though. So we put him in bed with us, just to watch him. Then around 1 am, he woke up and was wheezing like crazy. He was pretty plugged up, and was having a little trouble breathing, so we loaded up and headed to the ER. Well about halfway there, he started breathing easier, so we turned around and headed back home. So then I called the NICU nurses and asked them what we should do. And of course, they said to go ahead and go to the ER just to have him checked out. So we headed out again.

When we got there they gave him a breathing treatment and did a chest x-ray (which I don't even want to talk about, the stupid thing that they use for babies is like a torture chamber). And they took some blood and tested for RSV as well. This came back negative, thank goodness. So finally around 4:30 am, Dr. Einhorn admitted us, just to put Logan on observation. Then when Dr. Einhorn came in that morning he checked Logan out, and decided that he had croup. Logan had one dose of Decadron that day and that was it. He started to sound much better by Monday afternoon and we were discharged early Tuesday morning. Logan still didn't feel well all week, but is much better now. He has had quite a cough and been very tired, but otherwise not many other symptoms. He had a low-grade fever off and on during the week, but nothing over 100 degrees. He has slept a lot today, but is eating well and feeling better!!

So I think we are on the mend!! Thank God for that!! It really scared us when he wasn't breathing well, and since he hadn't been sick before, we really didn't know what to do. I tell you, babies should come with instructions or at least some sort of guide!! We also got approved for a RSV shot in April. Dr. Einhorn thought we should go ahead and try to get one for April, since he is still seeing some kids come into the office with it.

So needless to say, I had really hoped we would be able to get out and about more, but we may hold off another couple 2-3 weeks. Oh well, what's 2-3 weeks when we've already been in for like 6 months!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's getting closer to springtime.....

Hello everyone, the weather has been so nice the last couple of days, it's been really hard not to just start taking Logan out everywhere! I really wanted to take him to church this morning, but I took pictures of him instead! There is still quite a bit of sickness going around, so we will stay in for the month of March. I am hoping come April, we will be able to get out and at least go to church.

Logan gets him final RSV shot of the season (at least I hope!) Tuesday. He is big enough now that he will have to get the shot in both legs. He is definitely not going to like that! We weighed him at Grandma Betty's house today and he was 16.5 pounds! He's quite the little chunk! He takes between 7-8 ounces of milk every four hours and 1 jar of baby food a day (1/2 jar of fruit and 1/2 jar of vegetables). He also takes a little apple/prune juice to help with his bowel movements. So it seems like he is constantly eating/drinking something throughout the day.

We also got him laughing the other day. He's so funny, he is always smiling really big, but his laughs are not given out so generously! He is still sleeping well through the night, but we have a pretty tough time just getting him to fall asleep.

We also did another sleep study recently to see if we could get rid of his oxygen. He did do much better this time than last, but Dr. Einhorn is not totally ready to give it up yet. On his last study, he spent 11% of the night below 88% oxygen saturation. This time, he only spent 3% of the night below 88%, so he did much better! Dr. Einhorn also spoke with the NICU doctors and they said not to give up the oxygen during the cold/flu season. So here's the plan......we are stopping one of the diuretics now, and then 2 weeks from now, we will stop the other one, and then 2 weeks after that, we will stop the oxygen completely and do another sleep study, just to make sure everything is going ok.

Ok, now I will post some new pics!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's been a long time!

Sorry everyone, it's been a long time since I've updated the blog! Well Logan is continuing to do very well. He had a visit with Dr. Einhorn yesterday and he was very pleased. Logan is up to 14 lbs, 1 oz. and is 24 inches long. He gained just over 1 1/2 pounds and 3/4 of an inch this past month! He is now on the growth chart for head circumference and weight, but is not quite on it yet for length. Dr. Einhorn said that this is normal because it takes longer to grow bone and muscle, than it does fat and brain. Makes sense I guess.

He is eating about 6-7 oz. every four hours now. He is taking Enfamil Gentlease and doing very well with it. He was constipated last week and the dr. told us to give him some apple juice mixed with water and this has really helped him go. He is sleeping well through the night, he only wakes up on occasion, and then only needs to be rocked back to sleep.

He is smiling like crazy, but we still haven't heard him laugh yet. He is so close though. He stands up on surfaces with help and is VERY close to rolling over (from back to belly). He just can't get over his shoulder. He also loves toys now. He really likes to play with keys and rattles. He is very observant and watches everything.

He had his fifth RSV shot today and took it pretty well. We are so blessed that he has not even had so much as a sniffle yet this winter. He should have one more RSV shot this winter and then hopefully he'll be done with those for awhile.

I will post pictures as well! Thanks for keeping up with us!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Doctor update

Hello all! I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! We certainly did. Logan got tons of gifts, all were very nice! Unfortunately he wasn't interested in them. He just wanted to look at the lights.

We went to the doctor today, but saw Dr. Malloy instead of Dr. Einhorn because he was on vacation. Logan weighed 12 lbs., 8 oz. and was 23 1/4 inches long. The dr. was very pleased with his growth. He is eating about 5 ounces every 4-5 hours. We have started mixing formula with breastmilk as I am running out of frozen breastmilk. He is doing well with the transition. He has started on some baby food, but doesn't care for too much of it. He likes bananas, applesauce, and peaches. He didn't mind the carrots too much, but gagged on the green beans! He really only eats about a tablespoon of it per day, so its not that much.

He sleeps fairly well through the night, but wants to be turned a couple of times through the night. He doesn't eat through the night, he just likes to grump around a bit! He still wears his oxygen at night and depending on the night, doesn't hate it too much.

Logan can roll over from his belly to back, but not the other way yet. He almost has total head control too. As soon as he masters it totally, we are gonna try him in his jumper that Grandma Thomas got him for Christmas. I think he will like that.