Saturday, March 28, 2009

Well we finally got sick...........

Yes, as many of you probably know by now, Logan finally got sick. It all started last Sunday night, Logan sounded a little gunky, nothing major though. So we put him in bed with us, just to watch him. Then around 1 am, he woke up and was wheezing like crazy. He was pretty plugged up, and was having a little trouble breathing, so we loaded up and headed to the ER. Well about halfway there, he started breathing easier, so we turned around and headed back home. So then I called the NICU nurses and asked them what we should do. And of course, they said to go ahead and go to the ER just to have him checked out. So we headed out again.

When we got there they gave him a breathing treatment and did a chest x-ray (which I don't even want to talk about, the stupid thing that they use for babies is like a torture chamber). And they took some blood and tested for RSV as well. This came back negative, thank goodness. So finally around 4:30 am, Dr. Einhorn admitted us, just to put Logan on observation. Then when Dr. Einhorn came in that morning he checked Logan out, and decided that he had croup. Logan had one dose of Decadron that day and that was it. He started to sound much better by Monday afternoon and we were discharged early Tuesday morning. Logan still didn't feel well all week, but is much better now. He has had quite a cough and been very tired, but otherwise not many other symptoms. He had a low-grade fever off and on during the week, but nothing over 100 degrees. He has slept a lot today, but is eating well and feeling better!!

So I think we are on the mend!! Thank God for that!! It really scared us when he wasn't breathing well, and since he hadn't been sick before, we really didn't know what to do. I tell you, babies should come with instructions or at least some sort of guide!! We also got approved for a RSV shot in April. Dr. Einhorn thought we should go ahead and try to get one for April, since he is still seeing some kids come into the office with it.

So needless to say, I had really hoped we would be able to get out and about more, but we may hold off another couple 2-3 weeks. Oh well, what's 2-3 weeks when we've already been in for like 6 months!!!


Sara B. said...

Jill & Danny,
Your little boy is soooooo
stickin' cute!!!!!

I remember the first time Brayden got a was awful..they just don't know what to do with all that snot!! Then when Brayden was 4 months old he got an ear infection and Clint was out of town. I did not know what was wrong with him...he was really fussy and could not sleep....duh he might be sick. So after a trip to the ER and yes those xray things are a torture chamber!!!! It is a trip I try to forget, but found out it was an ear infection and after about 4 hours of antibiotic he was a different kid. ok...i have rambled on long enough. That is great though 6 months and your first sickness!!!!

Ginder Family said...

Hey Jill - It's Shanna Schnautz-Ginder. I've only been a blogger for a few months now.

Like Sara mentioned, your little boy is soooooo stickin' cute!