Saturday, March 28, 2009

Well we finally got sick...........

Yes, as many of you probably know by now, Logan finally got sick. It all started last Sunday night, Logan sounded a little gunky, nothing major though. So we put him in bed with us, just to watch him. Then around 1 am, he woke up and was wheezing like crazy. He was pretty plugged up, and was having a little trouble breathing, so we loaded up and headed to the ER. Well about halfway there, he started breathing easier, so we turned around and headed back home. So then I called the NICU nurses and asked them what we should do. And of course, they said to go ahead and go to the ER just to have him checked out. So we headed out again.

When we got there they gave him a breathing treatment and did a chest x-ray (which I don't even want to talk about, the stupid thing that they use for babies is like a torture chamber). And they took some blood and tested for RSV as well. This came back negative, thank goodness. So finally around 4:30 am, Dr. Einhorn admitted us, just to put Logan on observation. Then when Dr. Einhorn came in that morning he checked Logan out, and decided that he had croup. Logan had one dose of Decadron that day and that was it. He started to sound much better by Monday afternoon and we were discharged early Tuesday morning. Logan still didn't feel well all week, but is much better now. He has had quite a cough and been very tired, but otherwise not many other symptoms. He had a low-grade fever off and on during the week, but nothing over 100 degrees. He has slept a lot today, but is eating well and feeling better!!

So I think we are on the mend!! Thank God for that!! It really scared us when he wasn't breathing well, and since he hadn't been sick before, we really didn't know what to do. I tell you, babies should come with instructions or at least some sort of guide!! We also got approved for a RSV shot in April. Dr. Einhorn thought we should go ahead and try to get one for April, since he is still seeing some kids come into the office with it.

So needless to say, I had really hoped we would be able to get out and about more, but we may hold off another couple 2-3 weeks. Oh well, what's 2-3 weeks when we've already been in for like 6 months!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's getting closer to springtime.....

Hello everyone, the weather has been so nice the last couple of days, it's been really hard not to just start taking Logan out everywhere! I really wanted to take him to church this morning, but I took pictures of him instead! There is still quite a bit of sickness going around, so we will stay in for the month of March. I am hoping come April, we will be able to get out and at least go to church.

Logan gets him final RSV shot of the season (at least I hope!) Tuesday. He is big enough now that he will have to get the shot in both legs. He is definitely not going to like that! We weighed him at Grandma Betty's house today and he was 16.5 pounds! He's quite the little chunk! He takes between 7-8 ounces of milk every four hours and 1 jar of baby food a day (1/2 jar of fruit and 1/2 jar of vegetables). He also takes a little apple/prune juice to help with his bowel movements. So it seems like he is constantly eating/drinking something throughout the day.

We also got him laughing the other day. He's so funny, he is always smiling really big, but his laughs are not given out so generously! He is still sleeping well through the night, but we have a pretty tough time just getting him to fall asleep.

We also did another sleep study recently to see if we could get rid of his oxygen. He did do much better this time than last, but Dr. Einhorn is not totally ready to give it up yet. On his last study, he spent 11% of the night below 88% oxygen saturation. This time, he only spent 3% of the night below 88%, so he did much better! Dr. Einhorn also spoke with the NICU doctors and they said not to give up the oxygen during the cold/flu season. So here's the plan......we are stopping one of the diuretics now, and then 2 weeks from now, we will stop the other one, and then 2 weeks after that, we will stop the oxygen completely and do another sleep study, just to make sure everything is going ok.

Ok, now I will post some new pics!!