Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's been awhile!

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry I haven't posted recently, but life has been busy. I have gone back to working 4 days a week, so that has been a little more hectic, but is working out really well. Especially since Grandma is off for the summer!! :)

Logan is doing very well, and I would guess that he weighs somewhere between 18-19 pounds. We haven't had an official weight in quite some time, so I'm not 100% sure. We go back to see Dr. Einhorn on July 13, so we will know for sure then. Logan is still eating about the same as last time I posted. As soon as he turns 1, I'm going to start trying to wean the bottle a little bit. We'll see how that goes! We have started giving him a bit more table food, but not a whole lot yet. He still doesn't have any teeth!

He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks, very close to crawling!! He has been able to move a little bit but not too much. He loves to clap and sing, he loves patty-cake. He has waved a few times, but doesn't do it consistently. He also likes to walk as long as someone is holding his hands. He really likes to run around in his walker.

He is also starting to get a temper! He will throw an absolute fit if you take something he is playing with, or leave a room without him. Hmmmm, wonder where he gets this temper? We have ventured out more lately as well, we went to Beau's 8th grade graduation recently and also Gus Hancock's birthday party. We also go to church every week now. He really enjoyed that, and it is so nice to be able to get out and about now.

On a side note, it's so hard to believe that this journey started almost a year ago (my water broke on June 19th). It seems like so long ago, but at the same time, like it just happened yesterday. We have been so blessed that Logan has done as well as he has. I'll never forget all of the things the doctors were telling us and how bleak things could have been. Logan has outgrown all of the problems of his prematurity and I can't even begin to say how good that feels. We really do have a miracle baby......I always asked God to let me witness a miracle, I never dreamed he'd make me a mother of one.

1 comment:

Shelley McCleave said...

Where are the birthday picture?