Monday, January 5, 2009

Doctor update

Hello all! I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! We certainly did. Logan got tons of gifts, all were very nice! Unfortunately he wasn't interested in them. He just wanted to look at the lights.

We went to the doctor today, but saw Dr. Malloy instead of Dr. Einhorn because he was on vacation. Logan weighed 12 lbs., 8 oz. and was 23 1/4 inches long. The dr. was very pleased with his growth. He is eating about 5 ounces every 4-5 hours. We have started mixing formula with breastmilk as I am running out of frozen breastmilk. He is doing well with the transition. He has started on some baby food, but doesn't care for too much of it. He likes bananas, applesauce, and peaches. He didn't mind the carrots too much, but gagged on the green beans! He really only eats about a tablespoon of it per day, so its not that much.

He sleeps fairly well through the night, but wants to be turned a couple of times through the night. He doesn't eat through the night, he just likes to grump around a bit! He still wears his oxygen at night and depending on the night, doesn't hate it too much.

Logan can roll over from his belly to back, but not the other way yet. He almost has total head control too. As soon as he masters it totally, we are gonna try him in his jumper that Grandma Thomas got him for Christmas. I think he will like that.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jill, glad everything is still going well. Has anyone told you how cute he is...Give me a call sometime. Talk to ya later, Shelley

Kristi and Jeff Stevens said...


I can't believe how big he is getting!! I am so glad that everything is going well and that he continues to thrive. I hope to get to see him soon!!

Sara B. said...

Wow!! He is growing so much and is so darn cute!!!!

Amanda said...

In his pictures, he looks giant and like a real person, not a squishy newborn. I guess he should since he's 6 months old. Can you believe that? What a big boy.

Glad he had a great Christmas. I'm sure it was more fun for you two. Ours was. These oblivious years won't last for long and the next thing you know, they'll be asking for a Wii!

Love you, amanda, ed and gabi