Tuesday, April 14, 2009

NICU follow-up appointment

Hello all!!

Well we made it back from our NICU follow-up appointment and pulmonologist appt. It was a long day, but Logan was a real trooper!! Everyone was glad to see him, and we made our rounds through the NICU to visit the nurses. They of course, loved his big eyes and long eyelashes. He didn't hand out many smiles, he was too busy checking everything out.

He weighed in at 16 lbs., 3 oz. and 26 inches long. He was on the growth charts for all of these (for his adjusted age of 6 months). He was seen by a physical, occupational, and speech therapist. All said that he was developing appropriately. The PT wanted us to give him more tummy time to practice rolling over and getting into a crawling position. He uses both sides appropriately, but prefers his right side. The speech therapist thought he was a little "quiet" which I agree with, he doesn't talk a whole lot, but he does use age appropriate sounds, so we are good!! Dr. Khanna saw him and he was the one who discharged him from the hospital, and he said he was doing wonderfully, better than they expected!!

The pulmonologist said everything looked good and thought that Logan was breathing just fine. He didn't have a lot to go on since this is the first time he has even seen Logan. He wants us to come back in 3 months for a check-up.

In other news, I think Logan and I are going to church this Sunday!! We are very excited to get out a little bit. As long as he stays healthy, I think we are going. He had his last RSV shot yesterday. I don't think he will mind!! I think that is all for now. I will try to post pictures later!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hello family,
So glad to see that the Loganator is doing so well. He is soooo beautiful.

Gabi had the croup earlier this year and it scared me to death. It is a horrible sound that they make and terrifying to see them struggling to breathe. So glad that they admitted him just to be on the safe side.

We hope you are well. Did you get to go to church?
Love you,
Ed, Amanda and Gabi