Sunday, August 31, 2008

Not much new

Well Logan is doing fine and there isn't anything really new to report. He is still taking every other feeding by bottle and he does very well with this schedule. He is hanging out on anywhere from 26-30% oxygen and still on 1.5 liters of flow.

He got a bath last night (he gets them twice a week) and he also got weighed. He is up to 4 lbs., 7.3 oz.! He is really starting to gain weight! He is still on the diuretic and reflux medications. I assume he will be on both of these for most of this week and then maybe he will get off of them.

He gets his regular bloodwork done tomorrow morning. Please pray that this turns out normal. Thanks.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ok, ok

Sorry everyone! I know I haven't posted much lately, but I have been very busy. There also isn't too much to report. Logan is doing fine. He was placed on a gentler diuretic for the next 4-5 days to eliminate any excess fluid from his body. He was also put on a reflux medication. He is not throwing or spitting up, but the doctor thinks that maybe he is having some unseen reflux issues and that this may be causing him to breathe a little harder and faster. We will see if this helps. The doctor also ordered blood work for this morning and everything looked fine. His blood gas looked good and so did his electrolytes.

He is doing fairly well with his feedings. If he takes too many feedings in a row by bottle, he gets tired and usually doesn't take the whole thing. But if they do every other feeding by bottle, he will drink the entire thing. So it will just take time for him to build up enough stamina to bottle feed every time. He is holding steady on his oxygen at 1.5 liters of flow and anywhere from 25-30% oxygen. I hope they can get him off of oxygen by the time he goes home, but we will see when that time comes. I will just be patient and pray that God continues to watch over him and help him grow.

Tonight he weighed 4 lbs., 5.8 oz. Woohoo! Look at him go.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another ok day

Well Logan hasn't had many changes since yesterday. He took all of his feedings last night by bottle and then most of his 9 a.m. feeding. They put the rest of it in his feeding tube and he pulled it out while it was still going in, so he got milk all over himself. Then he took all of his noon feeding by bottle and most of his 3 p.m. feeding. He de-sated alot during this last feeding so I didn't get to hold him very long. He was really tired and didn't entirely wake up for this feeding. They are going to re-insert his feeding tube for the next feeding in case he doesn't finish it all by bottle. The doctor came in and examined him while he was de-sating during his feeding. What a fine time to do that. I thought it was the wrong time to check him out but what do I know. Trying to keep everything under control while he is eating is a very tedious task and I feel like I just ran a 10 mile race. He is somewhat hard to burp as well so this doesn't help matters.

He had another eye exam this morning, which he hated tremendously. The doctor did see some stage 1 retinopathy, but nothing to be concerned about right now. The eye doctor will be back in a week to do another exam.

Last night Logan weighed 4 lbs., 2.5 oz. He was 17 inches long. So he is growing like a little weed. He is also doing a good job maintaining his body temperature on his own.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

An ok day

Well Logan has had an ok day. He was weighed again last night and he weighed 4 lbs., 1.9 oz. He took all of his night feedings by bottle, was tube fed at 9 a.m., and then took all but 5 ccs for me at noon. So he is starting to get the hang of things, hopefully!

However this morning the doctor noticed that Logan was breathing faster than he was yesterday. They were a little concerned about this so they did a chest x-ray. It was a bit hazier than his last one 4 days ago, so Logan got a dose of Bumex (clears out extra fluid in his system). This is a one time dose and the doctor will look at him tomorrow to see if this has helped slow down his breathing any. They also lowered his feedings a bit to 32 ccs because sometimes too much milk can cause extra fluid to build up in their systems. The doctor also informed me that being on oxygen as long as he has can cause some fluid to build up. The nurse really wasn't concerned about him because his oxygen requirements have not gone up and he does not de-sat any more than normal. Please pray that this problem will be resolved quickly and that Logan will continue to progress.

He has another eye exam tomorrow morning and the audiologist came in today to discuss a newborn hearing screening. They normally do these around 34 weeks and Logan will be that old on Friday. The audiologist said she would likely come back next week to do this test with Logan.

Monday, August 25, 2008

A new bed

Well Logan has moved into a big boy bed (open crib)!! He was put into it this morning around 3:00 a.m. and seems to be doing well so far. They weighed him again last night and he is 4 lbs., .8 oz. So he didn't quite gain an ounce from the night before. But at least he is gaining!

The doctors and nurses still are not overly concerned about his staph. They actually found the staph in his throat not his nose. His nurse this morning also said that she thinks he would have already shown symptoms of an infection if he was going to. They think maybe he is just a carrier of it. I need to talk to the doctor to get more specifics.

His feedings have been going fairly well. He took all of his bottle last night at 6 and 9, and then part of it overnight. They let him rest at 6 a.m. and just tube fed him and then at 9 this morning he would not take his bottle. So he is all over the place right now, but he will get the hang of it!

His bloodwork was fine this morning. Thank God for this! His blood gas was ok. The nurse wasn't concerned about it either.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A new temporary home

Well we've hit another bump in the road. One of the babies in a different nursery had a staph infection, so as a precaution they tested all of the babies. Logan had a positive culture in his nose. So he got moved to Nursery A along with the other babies that tested positive in at least one of their cultures for staph. However, the nurse did not think that this was too big of a deal. Logan is just going to be on observation for now as he is not showing any symptoms of a staph infection. The nurse thought that he would already be showing signs if he was going to. It is hard to tell how long he may have had staph, considering that he has been in the hospital for 7 weeks. He and another girl were both moved out of their nursery. This may just go away on its own. However if he doesn't then he will have to remain in isolation for the remainder of his hospital stay. Danny and I have to put on gloves and gowns to do anything with Logan which stinks but I guess they are just taking precautions. Also Logan is not allowed to have visitors right now except for grandparents. I'll update later this evening. Oh and by the way, he hit 4 lbs. last night (actually 4 lbs., .1 oz.)!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Good day

Logan had a good day today. Dad got to hold him this morning for almost an hour and a half. Logan did fine during this time and did not de-sat at all. His bed temp. is being turned down slowly, but he still has a few more degrees to go before he gets in the open crib. He has been off and on with his bottle feedings. He was mainly tube fed overnight last night, and then today he was tube fed at 12:00 p.m., took all of his bottle (34 ccs) at 3:00 p.m., and then took 14 ccs at 6:00 p.m. by bottle and the rest by tube. So he is doing fairly well with bottle feeding. It will just take some time. More importantly he has not had any more "episodes" where he forgets to breathe, at least not where the nurses have to shake him.

Last night, he weighed 3 lbs., 15.2 oz. Getting close to 4 lbs!! He will get a bath and weighed again tonight.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Back on the rollercoaster

Well Logan had a setback last night. He took all of his night feedings by mouth which was amazing to me. But then at 2:00 a.m. he had a spell where he forgot to breathe and his heart rate dipped. The nurse had to go shake him to remind him to breathe again. This is common in preemies, but Logan doesn't have tons of these spells. And then the nurse thought that it looked like his breathing was labored. So the doctor ordered a chest x-ray to look at his chest and abdomen. Everything looked fine, so they thought that Logan was just exhausted from all of his feedings and maybe that is why he had the spell. He is doing fairly well today and is sleeping a lot. The nurse has tube fed him all day to let him rest. His bed temp. is also back up some since they have to leave his clothes off to watch his breathing.

I know he will get the hang of everything, it might just take awhile. I think he was trying to do too many things at once. Oh the ups and downs of the NICU. Their motto is "one step forward, two steps back." As one NICU mom put it, "One step forward and two steps back still gets you out the door." Hopefully sooner than later.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A big first!!

Hello everyone. Well I have more big news. Logan drank his whole feeding from a bottle at 6:00 p.m.!! (The doctor increased him to 34 ccs today). I am so excited and proud of him. He did not take a bottle all day because the nurse wanted him to rest, but then the evening nurse said he was wide awake for his 6:00 feeding and he had pulled out his feeding tube, so she gave him a short lecture and told him he had to take all of his milk through the bottle and he could leave his feeding tube out for awhile. Well he must have listened to her! He won't do this every feeding, but it is so fantastic that he did this time!

They weighed him again tonight and he lost just a little. He is 3 lbs., 12.6 oz. The nurse also said he took a very large poop right before she weighed him, so that might have made a small difference.

He is also working on maintaining his body temp. His bed is turned down to 28.6 degrees celsius and it needs to be around 27 degrees. They are not rushing this though as he will burn even more calories trying to maintain his body temp. Trying too many things at once could cause him to lose more weight, so this is not quite as important right now as his feedings. Thank the Lord for these awesome developments and allowing Logan to do so well. He has been with us since the very beginning and we are so thankful that God has answered our prayers. Please continue to pray that Logan does well with his feedings.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More big news!

Well Logan's evening nurse said he took 20 of his 32 ccs of milk by bottle at his 6:00 p.m. feeding!! She originally told me that she wasn't going to bottle feed him, but she said he was so wide awake that she would give it a try. He did awesome once again!! She said his heart rate was fine and that he did not cough/choke on the milk. She also said that his oxygen use was stable during that time (around 32%). I am just on cloud 9. I am so proud of him for being such a big boy! I really pray that he continues to do well. Praise God that he is doing such miraculous things with Logan!

He also gained weight again tonight. He is up to 3 lbs., 12.8 oz. So he gained 1.1 ounces from last night. The nurse and I thought that he might lose tomorrow night though since he is working now to get some of his food. He is expending more energy than normal. But maybe he won't lose very much. Please pray that he doesn't. I really thank God for all of this new progress.


Well our little Logan is getting to be a big boy! As you can all see from the new pictures, he took his first bottle today! He only took 12 of his 32 ccs during his noon feeding, but he did awesome! He paused while eating to breathe and had no episodes of coughing or choking!! Both myself and the nurse got to feed him. It was so exciting and thrilling to watch. This absolutely wore him out though. He has slept much of the day after eating. I think the nurses are just going to try bottle feeding once a day and see how he does with this and then increase as his stamina increases. He was simply worn out after working for his food!

The doctor also wanted to get Logan in an open crib. They put a sleeper on him and turned down his bed temp about half of a degree. He has done well with this change thus far. I figure that he will be in an open bed by the end of the weekend! Yeah! I am going to take some preemie sleepers with me Friday as you can see the one he has on is huge!

They are also going to start weighing him every day. He is just doing so incredibly well. I am so thankful and feel very blessed that God is allowing him to do so well. Logan is definitely a fighter!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another new weight

Well Logan gained again! He weighed 3 lbs., 11.7 oz tonight! He is still 16 1/2 inches long. I did not get to help with Logan's bath because the nurse said that he was a little fussy so she went ahead and got him out. I did get to hold him again with his 6:00 p.m. feeding. He did very well with this and did not need his oxygen turned up.

My sister is working with him and sucking on his pacifier. Every time I leave the room to go pump, Lauren always sticks the pacifier in his mouth! She also tries to get him to follow her finger with his eyes! She's such a goof! But Logan doesn't always like to follow directions. He's a bit stubborn. (Wonder where he gets that?!)

Hello everyone

Well Logan has had a fairly stable day. He has been up and down on his sats more than normal, but they turned his liters of flow down to 1 from 1 1/2. He is on about 42% oxygen right now. He was on about 30% this morning before I held him, but then when I was holding him, he needed to be turned up some. Hopefully he will get used to this lower flow and go down on his oxygen use in a few days.

The nurse said that I could give Logan his bath tonight. Oh this will be fun! I'm not really sure he likes his baths, but the nurse said she would help me. We will see how this goes! He also gets weighed and measured tonight. I will post again later.

Monday, August 18, 2008

New weight

Well Logan got his bath last night and his hair is so darn cute after his bath because it stands straight up! I guess he just wanted to look good for his visitors (Lauren and Morgan Kraman). They weighed him last night and he is up to 3 lbs., 9.4 oz. So he gained again! The nurse last night was all in a tizzy because Logan completely turned himself over in his bed! She was afraid to even get him out of his bed for his bath, so she just gave him a bath inside his isolette and then changed his bedsheets! I think he has turned himself over before, but I'm not totally sure about this.

He is still doing well with his feedings at 32 ccs. He gets his new doctor today, but I'm not sure who it is yet. I also found out that his weekly bloodwork came back fine. This is great news because it is so easy for these little guys to get infections. I'm also going to ask the doctor about twice a day k-care.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A tiny bump in the road

Well Logan has done well again today. However he had just a tiny bump this morning. The doctor for today tried to turn down the flow from 1 1/2 to 1 liter on his nasal cannula. I was holding him when they turned it down and he didn't like that much. He de-sated for most of the next 10 min. or so, so they turned him back up to 1 1/2 liters of flow and he was fine then! Such a little stinker! He just does things when he wants. I suppose he will stay on this for another 3-4 days and then they may try to turn it down again. Everyone cross your fingers!

They did weigh him last night and he gained an ounce! He is up to 3 lbs., 8.7 oz. The doctor also increased the fortification in his milk. So he will get 24 extra calories per ounce instead of 22 calories. Just a slight increase.

I spoke with the nurse this afternoon about doing k-care twice a day and she said that she didn't see why I couldn't do this since he is tolerating it well now. This is great news! Hopefully his new doctor will agree with this tomorrow.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Small changes

Well Logan has had another good day! I thank God for every stable day he has. His oxygen is down to about 28-29%. This is great. And he is up to 32 ccs every 3 hours. He did very well with me during k-care today. I held him for about an hour and fifteen minutes and he only needed his oxygen turned up once the entire time! He is really starting to do well with k-care.

He does not get weighed tonight but will tomorrow night. Thanks Amanda, I think you're right. I just need to be patient and let him decide and show that he is ready to eat and suck from a bottle. It will come in time. I know that God is trying to teach me how to be patient!

His neighbor, Rosalind, went home this morning. I was very happy but sad at the same time! I am really going to miss talking to her mom every day. It's funny how you bond with other moms in such a short time. We joked about Logan and Rosalind dating one of these days, and the mom left me a picture of Rosalind that said "see you in 25 years when my mom and dad let me date." I thought this was very cute. I want to thank God for allowing me to have met Rosalind and her mom. They have helped make our stay much more bearable.

Staying the same

Hello everyone. Sorry I didn't write yesterday. It was a very busy day. Danny and I spent most of the day at the hospital and then we went to the Brooks & Dunn/ ZZ Top concert at the state fair with my uncle Brian, aunt Carol, and Katie, Beau, and Brock.

Logan did very well for most of yesterday. He was on about 30% oxygen all day and handled k-care very well. He also latched on again yesterday. He also really went to town on his pacifier. I hope this means he will be ready to try a bottle soon! Although the speech therapist in me wants to wait to lessen the risk of aspiration on the milk (help me out here Amanda!).

He had a little spell when Brian and Carol were there and he de-sated kind of low, but he pulled out of it himself. So that is good. The OT came back to work with him and he was pretty squirmy and irritable. A new baby had just come into the pod and so there was alot of noise. This still really seemed to bother Logan. He calmed down though and finally went to sleep!

He lost a little weight last night, he is 3 lbs., 7.7 oz. This is somewhat frustrating because once he gets to 4 lbs. and can maintain his temp., he can move to an open crib. I am very ready for this, but I of all people should know that it is not up to me! God does things on his own time and he will get Logan out of his isolette when he is good and ready!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dad with a first

Well Dad finally did it. He changed a dirty diaper! It wasn't very messy, but nonetheless, it was a poopy diaper! And he did great. He was really hands on with Logan tonight, which I found a bit surprising, but he did very well. He's gonna be a great dad.

We both got to do k-care with Logan tonight. Danny held him for over an hour and he did not need his oxygen turned up. Then I held him for about 15 min. and he did ok, but de-sated towards the end, so we put him back in his bed. Overall he did very well!

They weighed him again tonight and he weighs 3 lbs., 8 oz. So he gained .4 oz from last night. At least he's gaining! They were supposed to measure him as well, but I forgot to ask about those measurements.

The occupational therapist came to see him today and she said his muscles and muscle tone looked pretty good. She said he did have some tremulous movements and jerky movements, but that these were normal for his age. He now has a bendi in his bed to give him some boundaries. I think he will like this. I will post some pictures of this soon. The OT said Logan was "very social" during the assessment and that he was wide awake and active.

Good morning

Hello everyone. Logan had a good night and was on about 32% oxygen all night. He was on 32% when I called this morning as well. The nurse called him a "wiggleworm" last night and said he was constantly on the move! She said though that once he seemed to find a comfortable spot, he was "out" and would just sleep there for awhile. The nurse this morning also said that he enjoyed the end of the bed for some reason.

They weighed him last night and he weighed 3 lbs., 7.6 oz. So he is gaining again, slowly. They will weigh and measure him tonight. I think that is all the news for now!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

About the same

Logan has had another good day. He has been on about 30-34% oxygen all day. This is great because he was hovering around 40%, so at least his oxygen consumption is down a little! He is still getting 30 ccs of milk every 3 hours and doing fine with it. Last night he weighed 3 lbs., 6.9 oz. He has almost gained a whole pound! Hopefully he will have gained more after he gets weighed tonight.

He had his second eye exam today and the doctor didn't see anything new. In this instance, it sounds like no news is good news. The eye doctor will look at Logan again in 2 weeks. The nurse said this is good because the doctor will come every week if he suspects any problems. Thank the Lord for this news! With all of the oxygen that he was on, we were somewhat concerned that he may have some vision problems. But it looks like he may have avoided the worst of these problems.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Moving right along

Well Logan has had another good day. He was on about 35% oxygen all night and was on about 40% this morning. He is still doing well with his feedings and tolerating them appropriately! Today when I did k-care (ok, if there are any men reading this you may not really care about this part) the nurse suggested that I try to let Logan latch onto me instead of the pacifier. After a few minutes of trying to get both of us comfortable, he latched on! He actually sucked for a few minutes 3-4 different times! His sats were really good during this time and he was wide awake. After about 30 min. he wasn't really interested anymore and was getting sleepy. He fell asleep and his sats went down and were not coming up very well on their own. So he went back into his bed. He is on about 35% oxygen again this afternoon.

Around 3:00 this afternoon he started getting fussy and squirming around alot. The nurse sort of cupped his head and feet and he calmed down. He also got his feeding around then. I wonder if maybe he was getting hungry and if that is why he was fussy.

He also got an occupational therapy consult today. An OT will come and work with him, mainly his legs, and do some stretches with him to make sure his leg muscles develop properly.

He will get weighed tonight. He actually lost a little weight last night (probably from rough-housing in that bed), but the nurse didn't tell me how much. Hopefully he will gain tonight!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Minor update

Well Logan seems to be tolerating his feedings at the faster pace. He has not had any residual over the last 3 feedings! Praise God for this! His next step will be to try to suck from a bottle. This will likely start in a week and a half to two weeks.

He was on 1 1/2 liters of flow earlier today (down from 2). He is still on this setting now. They have turned down his oxygen from 38% this afternoon to 32% about an hour ago! It would be fantastic if he could stay that low. He just goes up and down during the day, which I suppose is normal.

When I called to check on him, the nurse said he was asleep at the end of his bed! He just cracks me up. He is moving so much. He doesn't seem agitated when he moves around, he just wants to get comfortable!

Attempting a few more changes

Hello everyone. Logan is doing well and his weekly bloodwork came back fine. The doctor said he is starting to produce his own blood and that he should not need anymore transfusions (as long as he continues doing well).

The nurse today is very good and she is attempting to wean him down on his nasal cannula. He gets the oxygen in his nose at a 2 liter flow and she is trying to wean this down to about a 1 or 1 1/2 liter flow. She is also trying to get him to stay around 30% oxygen. Hopefully he does well with this and does not de-sat too much. Please pray that he tolerates these changes.

They are also changing the amount of time that his feeding goes in. He still gets 30 ccs but not over an hour. The nurse just puts the milk into a large syringe and lets it drip in with the aid of gravity. So he is not on a timed feeding. Please pray that he also does well with this.

The nurse last night weighed him and he weighs 3 lbs., 6.2 oz. Yeah! He is continuing to gain weight. He is still quite a mover in his bed and was laying sideways when we got there this morning. The doctor said he should be in the NICU Olympics!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Still hanging out

Well Logan has had another good day! He tolerated me holding him for a little over an hour today with only a few episodes of de-sating and no episodes of his heartrate dropping! Mom, Dad, and Lauren got to sit in the room with me. This was the first time they had seen him out of his isolette. He was wide awake for the first 15 min. or so and then he went to sleep. He did so well and I'm very proud of him.

His blood gas was fairly good this morning. His carbon dioxide level was 50, which is up 1 from 3 or 4 days ago. The doctors like it to stay under 55. He will get another one tomorrow as well as a complete blood workup. He has had some eye gunk lately and they tested it for an eye infection. It came back negative, but he may have a blocked tear duct.

The nurse weighed him last night and he weighed 3lbs. 5.3 oz. He will get weighed again tonight. The nurse said that when babies hit 3 1/2 lbs. they really start to put on weight. She also said that once they hit 4 lbs. or so, they can begin to maintain their own body temp. Then they can move into an open crib. Hopefully Logan will be able to do this in 10 days or so.

He was quite a mover today in his bed. The nurse said that first he got himself sideways in the bed, and then he completely turned around in the bed, with his head at the opposite end then it normally is! What a little mover. He is definitely getting more active.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just hanging out

Well Logan has just been hanging out today. He was around 35% oxygen all day and then tonight when I held him, he needed around 55% oxygen. The nurse was talking really loud to another woman in the room. I think this made Logan a bit upset. Hopefully the nurse can turn that down some over the course of the night.

He weighed 3 lbs., 4.5 oz. last night. I think they will weigh him again tonight. The doctor also increased his feedings to 30 ccs every 3 hours.

I spoke with the doctor tonight and he asked if I had any questions. I asked him about a blood gas and he said, "Well do you want me to order one?" I told him yes if he didn't mind. So hopefully he will get one tomorrow morning.

Friday, August 8, 2008

5 weeks old today!

Logan is doing well today according to his nurse. He is still on his nasal cannula and on about 30-35% oxygen. This is great! He is doing so well breathing on his own! He is still tolerating his feedings of 27 ccs over an hour period as well.

They weighed and measured him last night. He weighed 3 lbs., 3.5 oz. and is 16 1/2 inches long. He's just growing like a weed!

Really that is all there is for now. He is doing so well and staying very stable. I thank God everyday for this. As I see the new babies come in and how sick they are, I realize how far Logan really has come in just 5 weeks. It is simply amazing and nothing short of a miracle.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A first for Dad

Well Dad got to hold Logan today! Unfortunately, it only lasted about 1/2 an hour because Logan was de-sating quite a bit. Come to find out as they were putting him back into his bed, he had pooped while laying with Dad! The nurse figured this was probably why he was de-sating so much with Dad. Then of course when they changed him and put him back into bed, he was fine and did not de-sat anymore. Dad also got out of changing the poopy diaper, the nurse was too easy on him!

In other news, Logan is doing well with his feedings and they are increasing him to 27 ccs every 3 hours. They are also going to try and stop the diuretic that he is getting. This flushes fluid out of his system. His carbon dioxide level was back up a bit to 49, but the doctor was ok with this and said that Logan looked good and did not appear to be working too hard to breathe. So he will stay on the nasal cannula (for now)!

Also, I know many people have been asking about little Jayden, Logan's neighbor. I found out he got moved to an isolation unit as he contracted a Staph infection. He also had to have surgery to remove fluid on his brain. He then developed a lung infection and is still on the ventilator. Please pray for this family. I cannot begin to imagine what they are going through. Also, just now, Logan is getting another neighbor from a Decatur hospital. He/she is very sick and is going to have to go on the oscillating ventilator. We got kicked out of the nursery, just as the new baby was arriving. Please pray for this little baby too. Thank you everyone. I feel very lucky today that our little guy is doing so well and that God answered all of our prayers.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More changes for Logan

Well Logan has had a pretty good day. I could not hold him this morning because his temperature wasn't high enough. I was able to hold him this afternoon though. He did fairly well with it, but did de-sat some during the hour that I held him. Jared got to see and touch him out of his isolette. He took a few pictures that I will post later.

They took Logan off of his C-pap today and put him on the nasal cannula. He is doing fairly well with this! However the doctor did say that I shouldn't be surprised if he goes back on the C-pap temporarily. He said oftentimes they will put babies on the C-pap for part of the day or night and then switch them over to the nasal cannula. The C-pap would give him a little break from breathing on his own with no extra pressure. So we will see what Logan's schedule looks like. They did a blood gas this afternoon and it looked great! His carbon dioxide levels were normal (43, down from 45 a few days ago).

They have also adjusted his feeding time. He still gets 25 ccs of milk but they drip it in faster, over a 1 hour period, instead of the 2 hour period. He did well with his first feeding and did not have any residual! Please pray that this continues.

I am absolutely amazed at what God has done for my son. Logan has had such a good day and really seems to be making progress. I am so proud of him. I just thank God so much because I know he is the one allowing Logan to progress like he is. Please continue to pray that he progresses with his breathing/lungs and that he tolerates his new feeding schedule.

Another good day

Well Logan was weighed again last night and he weighed 3lbs., 2.1 oz. He seems to consistently gain around 1 oz. per day. This is fantastic! He is tolerating his 25 cc feedings well. He has been on about 25% oxygen for the last 12 hours or so, and he is still on the C-pap machine. His nurse yesterday thought he still needed to be on it for a couple of days. I am completely fine with this. I also think he needs to be on it at least a couple more days. He did not get a blood gas this morning. I hope he at least gets another one before they put him on the nasal cannula, so that they have a baseline to compare it to.

He had his first eye exam this morning and the dr. said he looked normal. He said Logan did not show any signs of ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). Some preemies have eye issues as a result of the high oxygen levels that they are on when they are first born. Hopefully, Logan has and will avoid these issues. Praise God that he has avoided them thus far!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Good day

Hello everyone. Well I got to hold Logan today! I held him for about an hour. He did not know what to think of it at first but he settled down after about 15 min. He never fussed, he just needed more oxygen. When he was lying in his bed, he needed around 24% oxygen, then when I was holding him, he needed around 42%. The nurse said overall it went well and I should be able to hold him once a day for now.

They weighed him last night and he weighed 3 lbs., 1.3 oz. He is still tolerating his feedings and I got to change a poopy diaper this morning! He peed on himself while I was attempting to change it. Guess I'm not quite fast enough!

The doctor said they may try taking him off the C-pap today. I'm very nervous about this. They did not do a blood gas this morning and the doctor didn't think this was necessary for now. I will update later tonight.

Monday, August 4, 2008

So good to be back

Hello everyone. My brother and I finally made it back to Springfield and it was so good to see Logan again!! He didn't look too much bigger, but he sure was cute. He was awake when we got there and he was really looking around. I couldn't believe how much he moved his eyes around. His hair is also growing like crazy. There is nothing really new with him this evening. He is still doing well on his C-pap and was on 30% oxygen when we left.

I can't wait to hold him tomorrow! The nurse said that I was cleared to do k-care with him once a day. This is so wonderful. And Danny will finally get to hold him on Thursday! I think that is all for now. Please pray that he will continue to tolerate his C-pap and that he will have another good blood gas in the morning.

Hanging in there

Well Logan had a good night on his C-pap machine. He was on about 32% oxygen all night. I called the nurse this morning and he is still doing well. He is tolerating his feedings and his blood work was normal today. (All babies in the NICU get complete blood workups every Mon. morning). His blood gas also looked good!! His carbon dioxide level was down to 45! Since he has been on the C-pap for 24 hours, this is great news. Maybe he will be able to stay on the C-pap now, we'll just keep praying that he can. That is about it for now.

I am heading back up this afternoon with my brother. I can't wait to see Logan! I am working on getting orders from the Dr. so that I can hold him tomorrow and maybe the rest of the week as well!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A new change

Hello everyone. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, there wasn't a whole lot that had changed. He is up to 25 ccs of breastmilk with fortified nutrients. He seems to be doing well with this. The nurse weighed him last night and he weighed 3 lbs., .8 oz.!! So he is continuing to grow!

He was stable yesterday but his carbon dioxide level was back up to 58. They say this is fairly normal for as sick as he was to begin with. This morning, around 9:00 or so, they turned his machine down to the C-Pap. This is the same machine as the si-pap, but with no added breaths per minute. So Logan is doing all of his breathing on his own with only pressure added from the machine. Please pray that he does well with this new change. I really hope that he does well with this. It seems like a big jump, but maybe it will be fine. We'll just have to wait and see. He may need to go back on the si-pap, only time will tell. I know that God will take care of him and allow him to come off of his machines on HIS time.

Friday, August 1, 2008

4 weeks old today!!

Hello all. Logan is just putting on the weight, huh? I'm still thrilled to see how much he is growing. The nurse also measured him last night and he is 15.25 inches, which I think is a 3/4 of an inch growth from last Thursday's measurement.

I called the nurse this morning and he is doing fine. He is tolerating his feedings and behaving! His carbon dioxide level was also down. It is down from 52 to 47 this morning, which is great! I just hope it stays this low in the coming days. He also switches Dr.'s this weekend. I was afraid he would get this doctor that my mom and I don't care for, but thank God he did not. He actually got Dr. Kahraman, who helped take care of Logan the day he was born, so he is familiar with Logan. I am very happy about this. So this new doctor will be Logan's doctor for the next 2 weeks. I think that is it for now.