Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another ok day

Well Logan hasn't had many changes since yesterday. He took all of his feedings last night by bottle and then most of his 9 a.m. feeding. They put the rest of it in his feeding tube and he pulled it out while it was still going in, so he got milk all over himself. Then he took all of his noon feeding by bottle and most of his 3 p.m. feeding. He de-sated alot during this last feeding so I didn't get to hold him very long. He was really tired and didn't entirely wake up for this feeding. They are going to re-insert his feeding tube for the next feeding in case he doesn't finish it all by bottle. The doctor came in and examined him while he was de-sating during his feeding. What a fine time to do that. I thought it was the wrong time to check him out but what do I know. Trying to keep everything under control while he is eating is a very tedious task and I feel like I just ran a 10 mile race. He is somewhat hard to burp as well so this doesn't help matters.

He had another eye exam this morning, which he hated tremendously. The doctor did see some stage 1 retinopathy, but nothing to be concerned about right now. The eye doctor will be back in a week to do another exam.

Last night Logan weighed 4 lbs., 2.5 oz. He was 17 inches long. So he is growing like a little weed. He is also doing a good job maintaining his body temperature on his own.

1 comment:

DeAnn said...

I ran across your blog through Sara B.'s and am so glad that I did. I am married to Kelly Richardson's brother. I just wanted to let you know that we have Logan in our prayers. He is absolutely the cutest little boy!

DeAnn Dorn