Sunday, August 3, 2008

A new change

Hello everyone. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, there wasn't a whole lot that had changed. He is up to 25 ccs of breastmilk with fortified nutrients. He seems to be doing well with this. The nurse weighed him last night and he weighed 3 lbs., .8 oz.!! So he is continuing to grow!

He was stable yesterday but his carbon dioxide level was back up to 58. They say this is fairly normal for as sick as he was to begin with. This morning, around 9:00 or so, they turned his machine down to the C-Pap. This is the same machine as the si-pap, but with no added breaths per minute. So Logan is doing all of his breathing on his own with only pressure added from the machine. Please pray that he does well with this new change. I really hope that he does well with this. It seems like a big jump, but maybe it will be fine. We'll just have to wait and see. He may need to go back on the si-pap, only time will tell. I know that God will take care of him and allow him to come off of his machines on HIS time.


Sara B. said...

I can't believe how much he is growing!!! That is wonderful. We will pray that he does well on these machines. My cousin Laura had a baby 11 weeks early and he will be 2 in Nov. and it's hard to believe he was a premie. Logan's pictures are so cute! We will all keep praying for him and you guys also.

sherry lynch/Barb said...

Jill, Barb and I are thinking and praying for you all. I saw your grandma Peggy last week and she updated me. Be strong and it seems that things are going better. Logan is adorable! Hang in there! Sherry and Barb