Sunday, August 24, 2008

A new temporary home

Well we've hit another bump in the road. One of the babies in a different nursery had a staph infection, so as a precaution they tested all of the babies. Logan had a positive culture in his nose. So he got moved to Nursery A along with the other babies that tested positive in at least one of their cultures for staph. However, the nurse did not think that this was too big of a deal. Logan is just going to be on observation for now as he is not showing any symptoms of a staph infection. The nurse thought that he would already be showing signs if he was going to. It is hard to tell how long he may have had staph, considering that he has been in the hospital for 7 weeks. He and another girl were both moved out of their nursery. This may just go away on its own. However if he doesn't then he will have to remain in isolation for the remainder of his hospital stay. Danny and I have to put on gloves and gowns to do anything with Logan which stinks but I guess they are just taking precautions. Also Logan is not allowed to have visitors right now except for grandparents. I'll update later this evening. Oh and by the way, he hit 4 lbs. last night (actually 4 lbs., .1 oz.)!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That stinks. We'll just pray that his immune system can kick it before it turns into anything. Make sure his grandparents bring lots of extra lovin' from everyone else who usually gets to visit.

And 4 lbs!!!!! WHOOOP-DE-DOOOO! That is incredibly awesome! I know you're thrilled. It's all downhill from here.

Amanda, Ed and Gabi