Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More changes for Logan

Well Logan has had a pretty good day. I could not hold him this morning because his temperature wasn't high enough. I was able to hold him this afternoon though. He did fairly well with it, but did de-sat some during the hour that I held him. Jared got to see and touch him out of his isolette. He took a few pictures that I will post later.

They took Logan off of his C-pap today and put him on the nasal cannula. He is doing fairly well with this! However the doctor did say that I shouldn't be surprised if he goes back on the C-pap temporarily. He said oftentimes they will put babies on the C-pap for part of the day or night and then switch them over to the nasal cannula. The C-pap would give him a little break from breathing on his own with no extra pressure. So we will see what Logan's schedule looks like. They did a blood gas this afternoon and it looked great! His carbon dioxide levels were normal (43, down from 45 a few days ago).

They have also adjusted his feeding time. He still gets 25 ccs of milk but they drip it in faster, over a 1 hour period, instead of the 2 hour period. He did well with his first feeding and did not have any residual! Please pray that this continues.

I am absolutely amazed at what God has done for my son. Logan has had such a good day and really seems to be making progress. I am so proud of him. I just thank God so much because I know he is the one allowing Logan to progress like he is. Please continue to pray that he progresses with his breathing/lungs and that he tolerates his new feeding schedule.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear he is doing great! I bet it feels so good holding him close to you. Hope he tolerates the cannula well, but like the doctor said, he may need help sometimes. Keep your head up and spoil that baby as much as you can, he deserves it!!!

Anonymous said...

So happy to keep reading positive things! Hope everything continues going well. Still thinking and praying for you daily!

Brit and Lela

Mrs. Stallard said...

Logan is making progress everyday! He definately is a determined little guy (you may pay for that trait when he gets older, but boy will it be worth it!). We definately thank God for all that he is doing.

Love and Prayers

Leroy, Brenda, Holly, and Faith

Amanda said...

I was bragging about Logan's progress last night to my friend and we were both praising God for amazing answered prayers. We'll continue to ask for blessings and thank Him for the ones already given.

Logan-- keep it up!
