Wednesday, August 13, 2008

About the same

Logan has had another good day. He has been on about 30-34% oxygen all day. This is great because he was hovering around 40%, so at least his oxygen consumption is down a little! He is still getting 30 ccs of milk every 3 hours and doing fine with it. Last night he weighed 3 lbs., 6.9 oz. He has almost gained a whole pound! Hopefully he will have gained more after he gets weighed tonight.

He had his second eye exam today and the doctor didn't see anything new. In this instance, it sounds like no news is good news. The eye doctor will look at Logan again in 2 weeks. The nurse said this is good because the doctor will come every week if he suspects any problems. Thank the Lord for this news! With all of the oxygen that he was on, we were somewhat concerned that he may have some vision problems. But it looks like he may have avoided the worst of these problems.

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