Sunday, September 7, 2008

Almost 5 lbs.!!

Well last night Logan weighed 4 lbs., 15.4 oz.!! That is a gain of 2.5 oz. I can't believe he is almost 5 lbs. He is basically double the weight he was when he was born, which is fantastic! The doctor has stopped his reflux meds., and he doesn't seem to mind that. He is still on 2 diuretics. They actually increased one today and decreased the other.

He is still on his little bit of oxygen and is taking his bottles pretty regularly now. The nurse today said that he acted hungry which is a good sign.

The nurse from last night said he enjoyed his bath. She also said that he had a little mohawk going after they washed his hair and all of the nurses thought this was very cute. His hair is awfully fluffy after his bath.

1 comment:

Mrs. Stallard said...

We are so thankful to God for all he has done and for what he continues to do. I know it has been a very long haul for you guys, but it won't be long now! And you are soon to find out just how fast time passes when you have little ones! They grow up fast so enjoy every moment!

We love you guys.

Leroy, Brenda, Holly, and Faith