Monday, September 22, 2008

The start of our last week (hopefully!)

Well Logan weighed 6 lbs., 5 oz. last night. He may actually hit 6 1/2 pounds before we leave here! He was bright-eyed last night for his 6:00 feeding and was wide awake until about 7:30. Then the nurse said he was up for about the same amount of time at his 9:00 feeding. Looks like we might have a night owl on our hands! Uh-oh, maybe we can change that.

He was off of his oxygen for about 1 1/2 hours last night when he was awake, but then needed it back once he was asleep.

I am heading in this morning to talk to the doctor. Maybe he will pinpoint a day we can go home (and maybe not). We'll just see.

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