Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Not much new

Logan is doing well and taking his bottles like a champ. He has taken 50 ccs the last 2 feedings because that is how much is in his bottle even though his orders still say 45 ccs. He actually woke up hungry at 3:00 p.m. He still doesn't burp very well, but I guess that is ok! He does get the hiccups often. Logan actually lost a bit of weight last night, 5 lbs., 12.5 oz. The nurse said this was fine since he had gained 3 ounces the night before. Usually babies will gain only an ounce or so per day.

I am giving him his bath tonight! I'm sure he and I will both love that! Grandpa and I brought in his car seat today. They will check it over and see if there are any recalls out on it and then let Logan set in it for awhile for a "trial run."

I spoke with his doctor just now and he said they will give Logan a few more days to get off of his oxygen. Then they will think seriously about sending him home on it if needed. He only has 1 prong in his nose right now and is doing fine. He is sooo close, I can feel it! But whatever God's plan for him is, I am fine with as well. I asked the doctor about going home next week and he said that sounded like a good idea to him!!! So everyone please pray that we will get to bring our little guy home next week!

1 comment:


We'll defintely be praying that Logan gets to go home! It's such exciting news.

Jennifer and J.R.