Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mixing things up

Well Logan got his new doctor today. I think she will be fine. I spoke with her this morning and she basically wants to get Logan off of his medication and oxygen. She took him off of one of his reflux medications. She left him on the Zantac for now. He is still on 2 diuretics and will wean off of these slowly.

They turned down his liters of flow again on his nasal cannula. He went from 1 to .5 liters of flow. The machine goes down to .1 liters of flow, so he can be weaned slowly. He is doing ok with this. He fluctuates a lot on his sats and is on about 35% oxygen. Please pray that he will tolerate these changes.

They also increased his feedings to 35 ccs every three hours. He was too tired to take his bottle at noon, so hopefully he will take it at 3. Last night he weighed 4 lbs., 8.6 oz, so just a small gain. Hopefully he will gain more tonight. I believe that is all for now.

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