Saturday, September 6, 2008

Slowly becoming a big boy

Well Logan now weighs 4 lbs., 12.9 oz. He had a nice gain last night of 1.4 ounces. He got so close to taking 24 hours of bottle feeding, but he pooped out this morning at 6 a.m. and they tube fed him. But I am very proud of him! That is the longest stretch of time where he took all bottles! I know he will soon have enough energy to bottle feed for all of his feedings.

He was on and off of his oxygen yesterday. He needed it while he was eating and while he was in a deep sleep, but then they would try periods with it off and he did fine with that too. He is on it this morning, but that is fine. He is on a very small amount and hopefully sometime this week, he will be able to wean off of it.

I think that is all for now. I am going to ask his doctor Monday when she thinks he might be able to come home. I am hoping for a couple more weeks.

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