Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Another good day

Well Logan was weighed again last night and he weighed 3lbs., 2.1 oz. He seems to consistently gain around 1 oz. per day. This is fantastic! He is tolerating his 25 cc feedings well. He has been on about 25% oxygen for the last 12 hours or so, and he is still on the C-pap machine. His nurse yesterday thought he still needed to be on it for a couple of days. I am completely fine with this. I also think he needs to be on it at least a couple more days. He did not get a blood gas this morning. I hope he at least gets another one before they put him on the nasal cannula, so that they have a baseline to compare it to.

He had his first eye exam this morning and the dr. said he looked normal. He said Logan did not show any signs of ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). Some preemies have eye issues as a result of the high oxygen levels that they are on when they are first born. Hopefully, Logan has and will avoid these issues. Praise God that he has avoided them thus far!


Anonymous said...

Sound great Jill! I'm so glad to hear his eyes are OK. It sounds like he's progressing very nicely.
Always anxious to read the blogs.
We'll give God the glory!!

Anonymous said...

What a lil' fighter he is already! I am so thankful for his steady progress. Thanks for the faithfull postings - - it's nice to share in this journey. Looking forward to having the family together in Noble - - he'll be here before you know it! What a special "God wink" this boy is, yes?

Keep the faith,
Kenny, Julia, Mackenzie & Madison