Monday, August 11, 2008

Attempting a few more changes

Hello everyone. Logan is doing well and his weekly bloodwork came back fine. The doctor said he is starting to produce his own blood and that he should not need anymore transfusions (as long as he continues doing well).

The nurse today is very good and she is attempting to wean him down on his nasal cannula. He gets the oxygen in his nose at a 2 liter flow and she is trying to wean this down to about a 1 or 1 1/2 liter flow. She is also trying to get him to stay around 30% oxygen. Hopefully he does well with this and does not de-sat too much. Please pray that he tolerates these changes.

They are also changing the amount of time that his feeding goes in. He still gets 30 ccs but not over an hour. The nurse just puts the milk into a large syringe and lets it drip in with the aid of gravity. So he is not on a timed feeding. Please pray that he also does well with this.

The nurse last night weighed him and he weighs 3 lbs., 6.2 oz. Yeah! He is continuing to gain weight. He is still quite a mover in his bed and was laying sideways when we got there this morning. The doctor said he should be in the NICU Olympics!


Anonymous said...

Yeah Logan!!! We are so happy to hear that Logan is doing so well. We will continue to pray for him. That is the reason for his success after all. Just think it's not long now and you will be holding him at home.
Love you all!
The new pics of Logan are soooo cute! Has anyone told you he looks like Danny!

Anonymous said...

Jill, Thank God for everything! Glad to hear the good reports, keep them coming. I have never seen Danny, but from the pictures I would have to say you have a 'lil Danny on your hands!!! Logan looks so cute!

Amanda said...

Oh my word! He is soooo cute! I can hardly stand it. He totally looks like Danny from the eyes up-- which is all we can really see. He is getting so big so fast and I cannot believe how much he moves around. Most babies stay where you put them for several months. You guys are in for a treat with your little wiggle worm.

There are so many exciting developments. Even when his blood gas is up, it's in safe territory. He's putting on weight so consistently. He's breathing well on his own. And he's in MOmmy and Daddy's arms. What an extraordinary weekend!!!

We'll continue to pray for his every development.

Love you,
Amanda, Ed and Gabi

Anonymous said...

Jill, first Grandpa and Grandma
wants to wish you a Happy Anniversary. Danny said,"that it
hadn't seem like it had been a year."

The pictures of baby Logan are so
cute. So good to see those little
bright eyes. Maybe it won't be
long until he will be home so we
all can spoil him.

Logan we will keep you, your Mommy and Daddy in our prayers.
Jill take care. We love you.

Grandpa and Grandma