Thursday, August 21, 2008

A big first!!

Hello everyone. Well I have more big news. Logan drank his whole feeding from a bottle at 6:00 p.m.!! (The doctor increased him to 34 ccs today). I am so excited and proud of him. He did not take a bottle all day because the nurse wanted him to rest, but then the evening nurse said he was wide awake for his 6:00 feeding and he had pulled out his feeding tube, so she gave him a short lecture and told him he had to take all of his milk through the bottle and he could leave his feeding tube out for awhile. Well he must have listened to her! He won't do this every feeding, but it is so fantastic that he did this time!

They weighed him again tonight and he lost just a little. He is 3 lbs., 12.6 oz. The nurse also said he took a very large poop right before she weighed him, so that might have made a small difference.

He is also working on maintaining his body temp. His bed is turned down to 28.6 degrees celsius and it needs to be around 27 degrees. They are not rushing this though as he will burn even more calories trying to maintain his body temp. Trying too many things at once could cause him to lose more weight, so this is not quite as important right now as his feedings. Thank the Lord for these awesome developments and allowing Logan to do so well. He has been with us since the very beginning and we are so thankful that God has answered our prayers. Please continue to pray that Logan does well with his feedings.


Amanda said...

I think Logan is my new hero! Good job buddy!

Amanda, Ed and Gabi

Anonymous said...

Yeah Logan!!! You are going to catch up with Addalyn before you know it. Keep working hard we can't wait to see you drink TWO bottles. We love you and will continue to pray for improvements. See you soon!
Leslie, Luke, Taylor and Addalyn

Katie said...

Wow! What great news! Way to go, Logan!! It's such great news that he listened to the nurse- maybe this is foreshadowing of what a well-behaved little boy he's going to be! :) Keep it up!

Sara B. said...

I just have to check on Logan's progress everyday and he just amazes me! He is just doing awesome!!! Keep up the good work Logan and we will keep in our prayers and you two also!