Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well our little Logan is getting to be a big boy! As you can all see from the new pictures, he took his first bottle today! He only took 12 of his 32 ccs during his noon feeding, but he did awesome! He paused while eating to breathe and had no episodes of coughing or choking!! Both myself and the nurse got to feed him. It was so exciting and thrilling to watch. This absolutely wore him out though. He has slept much of the day after eating. I think the nurses are just going to try bottle feeding once a day and see how he does with this and then increase as his stamina increases. He was simply worn out after working for his food!

The doctor also wanted to get Logan in an open crib. They put a sleeper on him and turned down his bed temp about half of a degree. He has done well with this change thus far. I figure that he will be in an open bed by the end of the weekend! Yeah! I am going to take some preemie sleepers with me Friday as you can see the one he has on is huge!

They are also going to start weighing him every day. He is just doing so incredibly well. I am so thankful and feel very blessed that God is allowing him to do so well. Logan is definitely a fighter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jill, I am so glad to hear this. It brought tears to my eyes! He looks so cute. Hope everything continues to go well with his feedings. God can do such wonderful work huh!!!!