Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Moving right along

Well Logan has had another good day. He was on about 35% oxygen all night and was on about 40% this morning. He is still doing well with his feedings and tolerating them appropriately! Today when I did k-care (ok, if there are any men reading this you may not really care about this part) the nurse suggested that I try to let Logan latch onto me instead of the pacifier. After a few minutes of trying to get both of us comfortable, he latched on! He actually sucked for a few minutes 3-4 different times! His sats were really good during this time and he was wide awake. After about 30 min. he wasn't really interested anymore and was getting sleepy. He fell asleep and his sats went down and were not coming up very well on their own. So he went back into his bed. He is on about 35% oxygen again this afternoon.

Around 3:00 this afternoon he started getting fussy and squirming around alot. The nurse sort of cupped his head and feet and he calmed down. He also got his feeding around then. I wonder if maybe he was getting hungry and if that is why he was fussy.

He also got an occupational therapy consult today. An OT will come and work with him, mainly his legs, and do some stretches with him to make sure his leg muscles develop properly.

He will get weighed tonight. He actually lost a little weight last night (probably from rough-housing in that bed), but the nurse didn't tell me how much. Hopefully he will gain tonight!


Anonymous said...

That is great news that he lached on! How exciting! The new pictures are so adorable! We will all keep praying for you guys.

Amanda said...

Jill and Danny,
Ed and I are constantly amazed by this little guy's perseverance and heart. He is so truly amazing. I just keep thinking what an incredible miracle he is and how far he came from his very scary entrance into the world. We are so proud of how you are handling all of this. Your faith is an inspiration to me.

We love you and miss you,
Amanda, Ed and Gabi

Brian, Carol,Kate,Beau,and Brock said...

hi, He really has some huge eyes. About the nicu olympics, he would win a gold everytime so he should go onto the real olympics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Brocko

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is amazing that he is latching on. What great little steps he is taking!

Emily Brown