Monday, August 18, 2008

New weight

Well Logan got his bath last night and his hair is so darn cute after his bath because it stands straight up! I guess he just wanted to look good for his visitors (Lauren and Morgan Kraman). They weighed him last night and he is up to 3 lbs., 9.4 oz. So he gained again! The nurse last night was all in a tizzy because Logan completely turned himself over in his bed! She was afraid to even get him out of his bed for his bath, so she just gave him a bath inside his isolette and then changed his bedsheets! I think he has turned himself over before, but I'm not totally sure about this.

He is still doing well with his feedings at 32 ccs. He gets his new doctor today, but I'm not sure who it is yet. I also found out that his weekly bloodwork came back fine. This is great news because it is so easy for these little guys to get infections. I'm also going to ask the doctor about twice a day k-care.


Anonymous said...

I just had to tell you I love the new pictures- what an active little guy! My favorite is the one where he is sticking his head out by the little window- looks like he wants some fresh air, haha. He is so cute! I hope the new doc okays the twice a day k-care!
Ashley (Stevenson) McDowell


I want to repeat what Ashley said, I love the new pictures! He's getting so big. Thank you so much for sharing this grueling but extremely special time in your life with all of us.

Jennifer and J.R.

Anonymous said...

Jill, I will have to agree to the first two posts!!! He is sooo cute!! I can't believe how big he is. You guys will be home before you know it!