Tuesday, August 26, 2008

An ok day

Well Logan has had an ok day. He was weighed again last night and he weighed 4 lbs., 1.9 oz. He took all of his night feedings by bottle, was tube fed at 9 a.m., and then took all but 5 ccs for me at noon. So he is starting to get the hang of things, hopefully!

However this morning the doctor noticed that Logan was breathing faster than he was yesterday. They were a little concerned about this so they did a chest x-ray. It was a bit hazier than his last one 4 days ago, so Logan got a dose of Bumex (clears out extra fluid in his system). This is a one time dose and the doctor will look at him tomorrow to see if this has helped slow down his breathing any. They also lowered his feedings a bit to 32 ccs because sometimes too much milk can cause extra fluid to build up in their systems. The doctor also informed me that being on oxygen as long as he has can cause some fluid to build up. The nurse really wasn't concerned about him because his oxygen requirements have not gone up and he does not de-sat any more than normal. Please pray that this problem will be resolved quickly and that Logan will continue to progress.

He has another eye exam tomorrow morning and the audiologist came in today to discuss a newborn hearing screening. They normally do these around 34 weeks and Logan will be that old on Friday. The audiologist said she would likely come back next week to do this test with Logan.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

He most certainly is getting the hang of things. Isn't he amazing? He doesn't let anything slow him down, does he?

Amanda, Ed and Gabi