Saturday, August 16, 2008

Staying the same

Hello everyone. Sorry I didn't write yesterday. It was a very busy day. Danny and I spent most of the day at the hospital and then we went to the Brooks & Dunn/ ZZ Top concert at the state fair with my uncle Brian, aunt Carol, and Katie, Beau, and Brock.

Logan did very well for most of yesterday. He was on about 30% oxygen all day and handled k-care very well. He also latched on again yesterday. He also really went to town on his pacifier. I hope this means he will be ready to try a bottle soon! Although the speech therapist in me wants to wait to lessen the risk of aspiration on the milk (help me out here Amanda!).

He had a little spell when Brian and Carol were there and he de-sated kind of low, but he pulled out of it himself. So that is good. The OT came back to work with him and he was pretty squirmy and irritable. A new baby had just come into the pod and so there was alot of noise. This still really seemed to bother Logan. He calmed down though and finally went to sleep!

He lost a little weight last night, he is 3 lbs., 7.7 oz. This is somewhat frustrating because once he gets to 4 lbs. and can maintain his temp., he can move to an open crib. I am very ready for this, but I of all people should know that it is not up to me! God does things on his own time and he will get Logan out of his isolette when he is good and ready!



It looks like Logan and Danny have the same haircut!!!from JR

Bethanie said...

I'll be praying that he hits 4 lbs soon.

Amanda said...

I've thought about his feeding a lot over the last few weeks. But I'm with you, I want him to eat when he is capable of swallowing safely-- not just because we're ready for him to do it!!! He's come so far. However, there's going to be a learning curve for him, no matter when he starts. They're monitoring him so closely that he isn't going to have scary results.

Hang in there and pray about it.