Saturday, September 13, 2008

Behaving and gaining

Well Logan is up to 5 lbs., 9.3 oz. That is a 2 ounce gain from the previous night. I am so glad that he continues to gain weight. He is still doing very well with his feedings and taking them all by bottle!

They tried him on and off of oxygen yesterday, but he didn't really care for that. I think he was on oxygen for most of the day. Of course, it was just a bubble of oxygen, but that is all he needs. I am really praying that he will get off of it sometime this week. My mom told me though not to make or rely on a schedule when you have kids. She said they make the schedule, not us!

He will definitely have to stay in the hospital this coming week and then the next week is up in the air, depending on how he does. He has not had any episodes of bradycardia yet from being off of the caffeine, so this is great! Thank God for this.

Oh yea, he had his newborn hearing screening on Thursday and he passed! Although I think we already knew he could hear, it's good to know that he definitely can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for passing his hearing screening!! I hope he keeps gaining and that he gets to come home soon- I can't imagine how anxious you must be!
Ashley (Stevenson) McDowell