Monday, September 29, 2008

Everyone's exhausted!!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Things have been pretty hectic. And we are all exhausted, well except for Logan! He is a very good baby, however he does not like to sleep in his bassinet. He either sleeps in his car seat, bouncer, or on us. We are not exactly sure why he doesn't like his bassinet. It may be because he doesn't like sleeping on his back.

We went to see Dr. Einhorn this past Friday and he was very pleased with Logan's progress. He weighed 6 lbs., 11 oz. So I wouldn't be surprised if he is up to 7 lbs. by now! He is still on his oxygen and doing well with that. He is eating about every 3 hours and is taking 50-55 ccs of milk. He is also still on his medications. We go back to see the doctor in 2 weeks.

Logan enjoys his baths and we give him one every other evening. It is a 2 person job for now, until we get the hang of it! I will post some new pictures soon. Our good computer is not working right now, so we are having to use our old one and it is very slow. So as soon as our other one is up and running I will post more pictures!


Anonymous said...

Jill, I still have this
darn cold, but will be
over as soon as I get rid
of it. It has been very
hard to stay away, but
maybe soon I can see and
hold our little great
grandson. Love you all.

Grandma Thomas said...

Danny would only sleep lieing on my chest and now looking back I remember how special that was. Enjoy the moment.

P.S. I thought I had spoiled Danny, but now I am thinking it may have just been his nature and Logan may have inherited it.

Love, Mom