Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Finally home!!

Well we finally made it home today around 4:30. Words cannot express how happy we are to be home. He slept the whole way home and then cried once we got in the driveway because he was hungry. He was awake for about 2 1/2 hours once we got home, just looking around checking things out. I think he enjoys his new environment! Last night, he weighed 6 lbs., 6.7 oz. He will get weighed again Friday at his doctor's appointment with Dr. Einhorn.

He came home on his oxygen, but just a tad. It's fairly easy to manuever which is nice. Lauren picked up his meds from CVS tonight, so I think we are ready to rock and roll. So far everything is going very well. Who wants to make bets on how much sleep we get tonight?? Oh well, I don't care if we get any, I just thank God we are home.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home Logan. I'm so happy for you all. You have been in my thoughts all day. It really is a miracle and you all will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Logan go easy on 'em,at least for the first night.


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a trip it's been. We're so excited for you and Logan to finally be home. God is soooo good.

Jerry and Shirley

Anonymous said...

2 hours of sleep is my bet

love ,brock

Katie said...

So happy your family is home! :) You'll learn quickly that you can live on very little sleep!

Amanda said...

We're just so happy in Texas!!! Logan Prosser is home and doing so well that his parents are worrying about normal things like sleep deprivation and whether or not he likes his digs. That's awesome!

Enjoy every moment. Does that boy have some cheeks on him or what?

Love you,
Amanda, Ed and Gabi

Bethanie said...

So glad he made it home!