Thursday, September 4, 2008

Two months old!

Well Logan is 2 months old today! That is so hard to believe and he is growing like a weed! Last night he weighed 4 lbs., 11.3 oz. He has been consistently taking his bottle for the last 24 hours or so, but not all of it each time. He will normally take at least half of it each time and then they put the rest down his tube.

They took him off of his oxygen this morning for about 3 hours, but then after he ate at 9 a.m., he needed it back. So he has been on just a tad of oxygen for the remainder of the day. They will continue to try to wean him off of it.

They also did a head ultrasound overnight last night. They usually do one as babies get closer to going home. His turned out normal. Thank God for this!

P.S. Please pray once again for Logan's neighbor, Jayden. He had surgery yesterday for a shunt placement in his head and he is back on the ventilator for now. He did not have a good day today. I speak with his mom some and she is a very positive, optimistic woman, but today she looked very down and completely worn out. I can honestly say that I have never been through something that tears you down and wears you out physically, emotionally, and sometimes spiritually. I know this mother is going through alot right now and I have never heard her say anything negative. Please keep this family in your prayers.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

We are so grateful for Logan's progress. But being surrounded by parents and babies who are working so hard to just survive has to be overwhelming. I'm sure it makes you thankful that Logan is one of the strong ones, while simultaneously breaking your heart that any child in the world has to go through what Jayden is. I'm sure Jayden's mother is grateful for your compassionate spirit and understanding ear. Please let her know that you have friends who are praying for them.

I feel so blessed by you, Jill.
Amanda, Ed and Gabi (aka Logan's Fan Club)