Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Working on getting home

Well Danny and I successfully gave Logan his bath last night. He didn't really care for the bath, but loved having his hair washed. He just layed there and looked around. It was really funny. Then we pushed his hair over to the side. He looked very sophisticated! Last night he weighed 5 lbs., 14.7 oz. So he gained, which is great. He was 18.8 inches long, so he grew a little over half an inch this week. He is still taking his bottles, but has been a tad sleepy so far today. He finishes them, but falls asleep soon after. Oh well, he's a growing boy, what should I expect?!

Danny and I watched our 2 videos today (car seat safety and infant CPR), so our checklist is done. Now we are just waiting for the ok from the doctor to go home. We spoke with the doctor today and he is not giving up on the idea of getting Logan off of oxygen before he goes home. He wants to give it a few more days. He said he is still looking at next week sometime for a discharge date. They said the home oxygen and monitor doesn't take long to get if we do need to take it home. I made sure to ask because I don't want to sit in that blasted hospital just waiting on supplies!


Anonymous said...

Way to Go! Baths are always fun...It is awesome to hear all of the good news. He is truely a blessing!

Amanda said...

Hallelujah!!! So happy for all three ofyou. Praise God!

Miracle Logan, you rock!!!

AManda, Ed and Gabi