Sunday, August 31, 2008

Not much new

Well Logan is doing fine and there isn't anything really new to report. He is still taking every other feeding by bottle and he does very well with this schedule. He is hanging out on anywhere from 26-30% oxygen and still on 1.5 liters of flow.

He got a bath last night (he gets them twice a week) and he also got weighed. He is up to 4 lbs., 7.3 oz.! He is really starting to gain weight! He is still on the diuretic and reflux medications. I assume he will be on both of these for most of this week and then maybe he will get off of them.

He gets his regular bloodwork done tomorrow morning. Please pray that this turns out normal. Thanks.


Bethanie said...

glad everything is going so well.

Amanda said...

No news is very often good news. I'm glad things are going so well for him. Just hang onto the good things and he'll continue to progress off of those medications and oxygen.

Amanda, Ed and Gabi