Saturday, July 12, 2008

Another good day

Mom and I went to the hospital this morning and Logan was still doing well. He was down to 3 on his nitric oxide and his other vent settings were down as well. He was down to 23% oxygen. He was also lying on his belly again. On his chest x-ray they thought he might have an air bubble outside his lung so they repeated the chest x-ray this afternoon and everything looked fine. The nurse said his lungs looked fine, just a little hazy. He just had a blood gas at 2 and it looked fine, so they lowered his nitric oxide to 2. They are hoping he will be able to wean off of this completely within 24 hours. Everyone cross your fingers!! They have also stopped the dopamine for now which was helping with his blood pressure. Another blood gas is scheduled for 6 p.m. His poor face is swollen and one of his eyes is quite swollen. His hands have started to swell as well. The nurse said that all of this swelling will subside after he is able to move around a bit.

Mom and I came home today and Danny and I are planning on returning tomorrow afternoon. Thank God that it has been another stable day!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

WOOHOO!!! We'll just keep prayin'!

Ed and Amanda