Sunday, July 20, 2008

Keep crossing your fingers, actually praying

Well Logan had a good night on his new machine and his blood gas this morning showed that his carbon dioxide level was down from 57 to 51, so that is great news! When we got to the hospital this morning, the Dr. for today wanted to turn him down from 20 breaths per minute to 10. Mom and I were a bit nervous about this and after some deliberation, I talked to the resident about this and she went and got the doctor again. I asked if maybe he could be turned down to 15 for awhile and see how this went. The Dr. assured me that 20 to 10 was really a minimal jump and that he would assess Logan at any time to make sure he was doing ok with this new jump. So he went down to 10 around noon. So far so good. Please pray that he will do well with this lower setting.

I also heard him cry for the first time today. It was very sad. It was just a quiet cry, but he was upset, and of course the nurse was bothering him, which he doesn't like. Then she flipped him to his belly and he went back to sleep.

They also increased his feedings to 5ccs every 3 hours. This is equal to a teaspoon. When the nurse was giving him his 11:00 feeding this morning, she pulled some back out of his feeding tube again. I asked the doctor about this and he said it was normal to have some left in their bellies every once in awhile because sometimes the babies just are not hungry or they have some residual milk or spitup left. He said he was not worried about Logan's feedings at this time, but would monitor it. Please pray that he tolerates these as well. He needs to gain some weight!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Jill- Glad Logan had a good night. Hope you and your Mom did too. We will continue to pray for lower settings and higher cc's of milk for Logan. I'm sure it is hard to hear Logan cry, but maybe that is his way of telling everyone that he prefers to be on his belly!! Hang in have a huge fan club!
Amy Woods

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill- This is Crystal. I'm Vickie Kesslers niece. I also work at the store and have talked to you a time or two in there. Anyway, Iwas told about your blog from a friend of mine that works with your Aunt in the OR. I check it everyday to see how much stroger Logan is getting then I have to report to Vickie. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work Logan.

Anonymous said...

Jill & Danny
It makes our day to hear Logan is tolerating his new machine and is doing well with his feedings. We will continue to pray for progress. Sorry, as a friend I should have more spiritual and uplifting things to tell you but one thing I learned from Reese is that when you get frustrated and when you can't handle the pain, turn to God, he is the only one who can make it all go away. God will never give you more than you can handle. I definitely think she taught me that, along with many others. I'm sure Logan has taught you guys a few things as well. Welcome to parenthood! If you need to talk give me a call I would love to listen. We love you and will be praying for Logan as well as you and Danny.


Mom sent me some pics from Sat. and Logan is so cute! We are extremely thankful for the progress that Logan makes every day. We are also very proud of Logan's mom and dad. You two have stayed dedicated and patient this entire time. Logan is very lucky to have such strong and caring parents.
Jennifer and J.R. Fox