Thursday, July 17, 2008

A small change

Hello all. There really isn't much to report right now. Logan had his vent settings lowered to 22 from 25 this morning after his blood gas. He is still taking 2ccs of milk every 3 hours and doing well with it. He was pretty squirmy this morning which was making his oxygen sats go haywire, but I think he was calming down as we were leaving. I haven't spoken with the doctor today to see what his plan is, but I plan on finding him this afternoon. I think that is all for now!


Anonymous said...

We are saying our prayers for Logan and for You and Danny. Taylor prays at supper for you guys. Its so cute. Sounds like Logan is going to be a good eater. Thats good he is a growing boy. He is also growing in the hearts and minds of so many people. You look good changing diapers! Besides that part, being a mother is such a blessing. Logan is lucky to have such a good Mom. Talk to ya soon have a good evening.
Love, Luke, Leslie, Taylor and Addalyn

Grandma Thomas said...

Jill it is so good to see they are allowing you to be more hands on and active with Logan. I can't wait to see Danny with his first turn at diaper duty. Logan is just so precious. I was at a Carter's store today and bought Logan some preemies clothing. I will bring them with me Saturday when I come to visit. See you then!!! Love, Mom Thomas