Monday, July 21, 2008

A few setbacks-here comes the rollercoaster

Well it appeared that Logan had tolerated his new lower settings on his sy-pap machine yesterday, but no blood gas was done until this morning. Unfortunately, his carbon dioxide levels were back up from 51 to 59. His new doctor, Dr. Sherman, is going to turn up his machine a little, likely from 10 breaths per minute to 15 and "a few other things." I will find out what these are when I get to the hospital in a few minutes. Logan has not tolerated his feedings as well as previous days. He gets 5 ccs per feeding, and usually has 1-2 ccs left over in his belly before the next feeding. They are still feeding him right now, please pray that his little belly will learn to handle this much and that he can continue with his feedings.

My mom and I got to watch his get his first bath last night. Well actually it was a sponge bath, but I don't think he cared for it too much. He was pretty wide-eyed through the whole thing! Sorry we don't have any pictures, we didn't know they were going to do it. They also weighed him last night and he still weighs 2 lbs., 5 ozs., which is pretty close to what he was last time they weighed him, just a tiny bit less. I also got to kiss him on the head since they had him out of his bed. That was nice.

Well that is all for now, please pray that Logan will get used to his sy-pap machine and will keep his carbon dioxide levels down. He will have to do this on his own to continue to lower settings. Also please pray that he will tolerate his feedings. Thank you all so much for your comments and encouragement!

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