Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Back in Springfield

My mom and I got back to Springfield today around 1:00 p.m. We checked into the Ronald McDonald house and then went over to the hospital. My aunt, Vana, and uncle, Don, were here to see Logan as they were heading home from Chicago. Logan has been pretty stable today. They tried to take him off of the nitric oxide last night, but he did not like that, so he is back on it at 5 parts per million. They said they will wean him off of this slowly and hopefully he will be off of it by the end of the week. His ventilator was at about 30% oxygen, which is pretty normal for him. Regular room air is 21%. He has not had to take any insulin today. He had to have some the last couple of days as his blood sugar was somewhat high. They decreased the dextrose in his TPN nutrition and that seems to have done the trick! They are also decreasing the dopamine that he is getting for his blood pressure. His blood pressure is remaining stable as they decrease the medication, so that is good. He does get a few doses of morphine during the day to keep him from being so agitated, but they said he is getting it much less often than he used to. I spoke with his doctor and he said that our biggest concern right now is his lungs and making sure they develop appropriately and then they will worry about feeding. He also said that his heart valve has closed, but that is could reopen. I asked him for the statistics of this happening, and of course, he could not give me any. So please pray that it will remain closed. We plan on going back over to the hospital after shift change, probably around 7:30 p.m.

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