Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another stable morning

Well Logan had a good evening and is stable again this morning. His vent settings are still the same as yesterday and he is lying on his side. He looks pretty comfy. His creatinin and BUN levels are dropping even more which is good. His chest x-ray looked very similar to yesterday's. His blood culture is not growing any bacteria right now which means no infection as of now, but it can still develop, so let's pray that it won't. He is still getting antibiotics as a precaution. He will get another micro enema around noon to help him poop, and he is still getting 1 cc of breastmilk every 6 hours. The nurse today used the first milk I pumped which will likely have some colostrum in it, which she said may help him poop more on his own. She said it sometimes acts like a laxative.


Anonymous said...

Logan looks soooo cute in his new bed. Sounds like he is doing good. Just remember he will breathe on his own when he is ready, you just have to have faith. We can't wait to see him. Taylor can't wait to hold him. Love you all!!

Mrs. Stallard said...

We are so thankful for so many good days and continued improvement. Logan is always in all of our prayers and we know God will answer them in His time. Keep fighting Logan! We love you.

Leroy, Brenda, Holly, and Faith