Saturday, July 19, 2008

Even more small changes

Hello all. Sorry it once again took me so long to post. I have had a very busy day and have not been able to get to a computer until now. Logan has had a very eventful day. The weekend Dr. increased his feedings to 4 ccs every 3 hours and he is tolerating that fine for now. Please pray that he will continue to tolerate his feedings. I got to change my first poopy diaper this morning, sorry no pictures! His ventilator was turned down from 20 breaths to 15 breaths per minute and he tolerated that fine.

Danny's mother and sister came up this afternoon and when we all got back to the hospital around 2:30 p.m., Logan was off of his ventilator and on the cy-pap machine. He did not seem to enjoy this machine as it is a mask that fits over his nose and then wraps around his head to stay attached. He was very squirmy and seems a little agitated with it. He was scheduled for a blood gas at 4 to see how he is doing. I am getting ready to go back in his room now to check for the results. Please pray extra hard that he will tolerate his new machine and will not have to go back on the ventilator. This has been an extremely taxing day and I am really trying to turn all of my worries over to God. Sometimes this is just difficult to do. Logan is definitely a fighter and I'm certain that God will give him the strength to get through this.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there girl! God's help is greater than ours. You and Logan are going to make it!

Love ya all,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill! My mom has been keeping me updated on what was going on, and we just want you guys to know we're thinking about and praying for you everyday!

Brittania and Lela

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of you and Logan and this verse came to mind.
Jereemiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Hang in there Logan, God has big plans for you.

Love you all,
Jerry and shirley

Katie said...

Hang in there!!! I'm praying for you!