Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My mom and I went over to the hospital this morning and Logan was pretty much the same as he was yesterday and last night. His oxygen sats were all over the place this morning, going from 74% up to 100%. The doctor said this is quite normal for little guys whose lungs are not mature yet. They have left the nitric oxide on 4.9-5 for the last day or so. Hopefully they can decrease that soon. The doctor came in and talked with me for a few minutes. He said that Logan's lungs looked better today. Yeah! He also said that his kidney function is improving and that he is urinating more than yesterday. His color is better and his head is not as shiny as it was. He does have some swelling on the back of his head, which the doctor said is normal since he cannot move his head around. The swelling in his limbs has almost gone away. He is moving around alot and it is so cute to watch his little arms and legs move and kick. The doctor said that he will get another chest echo either tomorrow or Friday to make sure the heart valve is still closed. He is also scheduled for a head ultrasound for Friday to check for any bleeding in the brain. Please pray that both of these tests turn out fine. He is such a little fighter and any amount of progress we make is a huge blessing.

1 comment:

Kristi and Jeff Stevens said...

Jill and Danny,

You and Logan are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and know that Logan is a strong little fighter. I can't wait to meet him soon!! Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you or Logan!!

Lots of love,
Kristi and Jeff Stevens