Monday, July 14, 2008

A fairly stable day

Well Logan has been fairly stable today. He really seems to be enjoying his new bed. He is moving around a lot and some of his swelling has gone down. The back of his head is not as swollen so that is good. He is still on the same ventilator at 25 breaths per minute and 14 pressure. He has been on these settings since last night. The doctor said he will likely remain on this ventilator for 2-3 more days. They are waiting to see if he has some kind of infection in his lungs. His white blood cell count was high yesterday so they started him on antibiotics just to be safe. We will not know for sure until tomorrow or the next day if there really is an infection. The doctor said that even if there is these antibiotics will kill it. He has also started with his tube feedings!! He got 1 cc (or 1 ml) of breast milk through his feeding tube around noon. He will get 1 cc every 6 hours to start with and will progress from there. Please pray that his little intestines can handle this. The nurse said that some preemies have difficulty with feedings for awhile. He also received a micro enema today to help him have a bowel movement since he has not had one yet.

Danny went to donate blood today at the blood bank, and if it tests out ok, then they will start using his blood when Logan needs a blood transfusion.

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