Friday, July 11, 2008

A brighter day

Hello all, today is looking to be a better day for Logan. He is still mostly sedated, although he hasn't had any sedative since about 8:00 a.m. He is on about 33% oxygen and the other vent settings are about the same. His blood gases have been looking good and his chest x-ray showed that his lungs are looking better today than yesterday. Thanks goodness!! He had his head ultrasound very early this morning, but we will not know the results until possibly tomorrow morning. We are still at the hospital right now and he will be getting his chest echo very soon as the tech was in another pod with another preemie and was then going to see Logan. Dr. Nimavat said that he should have these results by 3 or 4 this afternoon. He also had a does of steroids to help increase his blood pressure and help reduce the inflammation in his lungs. The nurse seemed to think that his duct had reopened, but the doctor told me that his gut feeling was that it had not, so we will soon find out. Thank you everyone for all of the prayers, and please continue to pray that little Logan will progress each day and that he will get stronger each day.

I also wanted to say that Logan is one week old today and his cousin Morgan is 27 today. Happy Birthday Morgan (I know you read this each day!! :))

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I just found out today about your early entry into the world! My goodness you are eager. I'll just tell you that you are very lucky to have the mommy and daddy that you do. I don't know anyone tougher than your mommy. She's so smart, level-headed and loving. She'll make sure you get the best possible care.

Logan, rest up, get strong and fight hard!

We love you, Amanda, Ed and Gabriella