Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hello everyone. Well Logan's new weight is 2 lbs., 11.7 oz. So he gained 1.1 ounces! Keep it up, buddy!! Nothing is too new this morning. He is still tolerating his feedings which is great. His carbon dioxide level was down just a little from 55 to 52. At least it's heading downward. No new orders had been written yet, so the nurse didn't have alot to report. She asked me how I was feeling, and I told her a little better. She said she would take some pictures of Logan for me, that she and Logan would have a "photo shoot" today. Isn't that cute! I'm not sure how she will get the pictures to me. I don't know if she can e-mail them or not. Hopefully she can!

1 comment:

Brian, Carol,Kate,Beau,and Brock said...

Hey Jill I am excited that Logan is doing very well. We love to check up on him every day, and somtimes more than once. Also, I hope that his carbon dioxide levels keep going down. That is what we are praying for!!!! Oh, I hope you start feeling better.

Love, Beau and Brock